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Meaning of Ambyar Popularized by the Late Didi Kempot, Also Learn the Meaning of Other Youth Slang Words

Meaning of Ambyar Popularized by the Late Didi Kempot, Also Learn the Meaning of Other Youth Slang Words Illustration (credit: unsplash) - The word ambyar has become popular in recent years. Even until now, the word ambyar is still used by the general public, especially young people. Yes, the word ambyar has become one of the current slang words. Young people usually use the word ambyar to describe a feeling that they are experiencing. So, what is the actual meaning of ambyar?

As a popular slang word, the term ambyar is often used on social media and in daily conversations. Although it has become so popular, the fact is that many people still do not know the meaning of ambyar. This is understandable because the word ambyar is actually a Javanese vocabulary. So, before it became a popular word, the meaning of the word ambyar was only known by those who understood Javanese.

To find out the meaning of ambyar and why this word can become popular, just read the following explanation.


1. The Origin of the Word Ambyar's Popularity

The word ambyar has become so popular for a reason. Therefore, before knowing the meaning of ambyar, it doesn't hurt to find out the reasons why the word is now popular.

The term ambyar began to be popularized by the late Didi Kempot. The campursari singer from Solo, Central Java, is known for his works that tell about heartache. Therefore, Didi Kempot was dubbed The God Father of Broken Heart. Meanwhile, his music fans call themselves 'Sobat Ambyar'.

From there, the word ambyar could become so popular. The popularity of the word ambyar runs parallel to the skyrocketing popularity and increasing number of fans of the late Didi Kempot. In addition, the word ambyar also became more popular after the late Didi Kempot released a song titled Ambar before he passed away.


2. Lyrics of the Song Ambyar

The existence of the song Ambyar further adds to the popularity of the word. Moreover, until now, the song is still one of the hits that is often played on the radio.

Like other works of the late Didi Kempot, the song Ambyar also tells about deep heartache. More precisely, the song Ambyar tells the story of someone who becomes a victim of a false promise from a partner. To better understand the meaning of ambyar in the song, let's take a look at the lyrics below.

Wis kebacut ambyar, remuk sing neng ati
Apa ngene iki sing jenenge korban janji
Wis ambyar, aku kudu kepiye
Metu ngendi supaya ketemu kowe

Wis kebacut ambyar, tresnaku kesasar
Seneng karo kowe salah nggonku milih pacar
Wis ambyar, lara sing tak rasakke
Kowe lunga ninggalke aku neng kene

Wis kebacut ambyar, ambyar kaya ngene
Manise janjimu jebule mung ono lambe
Wis kebacut ambyar, ambyar kaya ngene
Nengapa kowe tego nyikso aku kaya ngene


3. Meaning of the Word Ambyar

As previously mentioned, the word ambyar is actually one of the vocabulary words in Javanese. By the Javanese people, before becoming popular, the word ambyar was commonly used to describe the condition of an object that is broken, melted, damaged, until it is scattered.

However, in fact, the word ambyar has also been absorbed into Indonesian. Therefore, we can find out the meaning of ambyar by checking it in the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). In KBBI, the meaning of ambyar is not much different from its use in Javanese. In KBBI, the meaning of the word ambyar is scattered, separated, no longer concentrated.

As a popular term, the word ambyar is used to describe someone's feelings of being shattered. Therefore, the meaning of ambyar is considered appropriate to describe someone's feelings when listening to the late Didi Kempot's song that can describe the feeling of being shattered when deeply hurt.


4. Other Popular Slang Meanings

Besides ambyar, there are actually many other popular slang words among young people. Like the meaning of ambyar, some of these popular words are also commonly used to describe someone's feelings. In addition, there are also those that describe activities.

Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of each slang word. Here are some slang words among young people, besides the word ambyar.

1) Bucin: Bucin is an abbreviation of the term 'budak cinta' (love servant). This slang abbreviation is used to refer to a man or woman who is crazy about love.

2) Mantul: This word is a slang abbreviation of the word 'mantap betul' (very solid). This word is often used as an appreciation, such as a compliment.

3) Gercep: An abbreviation of 'gerakan cepat' (quick movement). This abbreviation is an encouragement to do something faster than usual.

4) Gaje: An abbreviation of 'gak jelas' or 'enggak jelas' (not clear). This word is used when someone does not understand or cannot grasp the meaning of others.

5) Pansos: Pansos is a slang abbreviation and stands for panjat sosial (social climbing). As the name suggests, pansos is used to refer to people who like to seek attention from many people, especially on social media.

6) Mager: Mager is a slang abbreviation of the phrase malas gerak (lazy to move). This word is more often used to express laziness.

7) Halu: This word is short for halusinasi (hallucination), which describes someone with high fantasies.

Those are some reviews about the meaning of ambyar and the reasons why the word can be so popular. Hopefully, it can be useful and answer your curiosity.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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