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Meaning of Go: Definition, Differences with Goes, Went, Gone, Going and Examples of Sentences

Meaning of Go: Definition, Differences with Goes, Went, Gone, Going and Examples of Sentences Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - English is an international language and widely used for communication. In English, there are many words and sentences, one of which is Go. Yes, the meaning of Go itself is to go and become one of the familiar words.

This word Go is not a strange word for those who can speak English or are learning English. Because, this word becomes a common word, that's why many people know the meaning of Go.

However, besides learning about the meaning of Go, KLovers also need to know what is the difference between Go, Goes, Went, Gone and also Going, as well as the correct sentence examples in using Go. Here's the explanation.


1. The Meaning of Go

Yes, as previously explained, the meaning of Go is a word in English that means to go. The meaning of Go itself in English is a verb that means to go. And the verb in Go is an irregular verb.

As KLovers know, there are 2 types of verbs in English, namely irregular verbs and regular verbs. And Go falls into the category of irregular verbs or irregular verbs.

Irregular verbs are verbs which their verb 1, verb 2 and verb 3, change or do not change at all. The second and third forms of the verb do not follow the rules of adding -d and -ed. So, the word Go in English falls into this type.


2. The Difference Between Go, Goes, Went, Gone, and Going

Not only do KLovers need to know the meaning of Go, but they also need to know the differences between Go, Goes, Went, Gone, and Going. Actually, Go, Goes, Went, Gone, and Going all have the same meaning, which is to go. However, each word is used depending on the situation.

If Go means a basic word that is also used for present tense for plural, for example, I don't go to the office today. If Went is a verb for past tense or something that has happened, for example, She went out again last night.

Then there is Gone, which is a verb for perfect tense for both present and past. For example, They have gone to the beach. Furthermore, there is Goes, which is used for positive singular present tense. For example, Mother goes to the office with my father.

Lastly, there is Going, which is a continuous verb form for present, past, and perfect. For example, The movie is going to be aired any minute now. All of these have the same meaning as Go, but only their placement is different.


3. Example Sentences Using Go

To help KLovers understand better, here are some example sentences using the word 'Go' to further understand. Here are some examples of sentences that can be used for the word 'Go':

1. I go to the same college as your brother.

2. My friends go to my house to give me a surprise birthday party.

3. Tri's gone to the dentist.

4. She's gone fishing.

5. The baker went out of business.

6. They go on and on about the projects.

7. I don't go to the office today.

8. They're going on Sunday.

9. We don't go to the second floor anymore.

10. Do they go to the cinema together?

11. And at each threshold, the going gets tougher.

12. And so I'm going to sort of go through and talk about those three kinds of things.

13. If you are happy about something, you'll go more to the left side. (Bila Anda bahagia tentang sesuatu, Anda akan lebih menggunakan otak kiri.)

14.Go home and ask those questions, and then help the people around you. (Pulang dan tanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu dan kemudian bantulah orang-orang di sekitarmu.)

15.It's a tunnel, and you go into the tunnel, chiseled in solid rock, about 130 meters. (Sebuah terowongan, dan Anda masuk terowongan itu, yang dipahat di dalam batu utuh, sekitar 130 meter.)

16.Let's go back to the questions I posed you a moment ago. (Mari kembali ke pertanyaan - pertanyaan yang saya ajukan beberapa saat yang lalu.)

That is the meaning of Go that KLovers can know and understand. Not only knowing the meaning of Go, but KLovers can also know the difference between Go, Goes, Went, Gone, and Going. Along with examples of sentences.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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