Kapanlagi.com - In daily conversations, you may have often heard the term essence. However, sometimes there are some people who do not know the meaning of essence. When the interlocutor does not understand it, information cannot be conveyed properly.
That will also affect the way you view others. Therefore, you need to find out about the meaning of essence. Because, essence is an important thing in various things, whether it's behavior or conversation.
The meaning of essence can also be understood as the essence that comes from the basic Arabic word "Al-Haqq". The word means right, belonging, truly exists, and customary.
Well, so that you can understand the essence meaning more deeply, just take a look at the various information below. Contains explanations about the characteristics and factors of essence, this information will be useful for you.
1. What is the Essence?

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As explained earlier, essence is an important thing that must be understood. Without knowing the essence, you will have difficulty finding the meaning of certain conversations or behaviors. According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), essence is the nature, core, or main thing.
Etymologically, essence comes from the Latin word "essentia" which means existence. When someone can understand the meaning of essence, they become easier to determine their perspective. It will also make someone more able to appreciate the ideology and perspectives of others.
However, understanding the essence in each perspective is not an easy thing. Essence itself is relative so that the meaning of each particular perspective depends on each individual.
If talking about it in Islam, the meaning of essence can be understood as an aspect of sharia that is esoteric or spiritual. This is also considered the deepest secret of all deeds, the essence of sharia and the end of the journey taken by a Sufi.
In addition to the above definition, there are also opinions from experts regarding the meaning of essence. You can listen to the following opinions:
1. Thomas Aquinas: essence is what is detached from the question of whether something exists or not.
2. Plato: essence is more real than participating in matter and if one assimilates existence to essence, matter will be associated with non-existence.
3. According to Louis O. Kattsoff: essence is the nature of something.
2. Characteristics of Essence

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Perhaps those who are just realizing the importance of the true meaning of essence still find it difficult to find it in a conversation or action. Furthermore, you also need to understand the deeper meaning of essence regarding life. If asked, what is the most important thing in life?
Of course, the above question has different answers from each person. It depends on the values or ideologies held. Perhaps, for those who strongly hold religiosity values, life is about doing for the afterlife.
Meanwhile, the essence of life for education experts or scientists will also be different. Perhaps they will answer that life is a time to learn until the end of life. For them, the essence of life is a series of learning about seeking truth and changing from the unknown to the known.
Therefore, so that you can also answer questions like the above. Try to learn the following characteristics of essence.
1. Full of interests that arise from various perspectives. This then makes the meaning of something different.
2. Not always in line with real form or visible to the eye. If something is considered to exist, it is not necessarily considered real in its form.
3. Related to different meanings or various diction.
4. Has diction that can accommodate various fields of knowledge. For example, a knife for a surgeon and a chef, certainly has different essences according to their professions.
3. Factors of Essence

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Not only about the meaning and characteristics of essence, but you also need to understand the factors. As mentioned earlier, essence is relative and cannot be equated to everyone's perspective. Well, in the following information, there is an explanation of the factors that make it possible.
1. Field of Knowledge. Of course, this plays an important role in essence. Someone who studies philosophy will see essence differently from a metaphysics expert.
2. Perspective. Humans have different ideologies and perspectives. Each individual holds their own values based on their experiences and life lessons.
3. Human Interests. In addition to the field of knowledge and perspective, human interests also become a factor in determining an essence. Of course, humans are creatures with different interests.
Well, KLovers, that is an explanation of the meaning of essence along with its characteristics and factors that you can understand.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.