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Meaning of Said in English: Definition, Difference from Told, and Examples

Meaning of Said in English: Definition, Difference from Told, and Examples Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Said is one of the words in English that is certainly familiar to us. The meaning of said itself is a past tense verb which means spoken, said, told, conveyed, and much more.

In addition to understanding the meaning of said, KLovers can also learn the differences between said and told along with examples of their usage. So that you can better understand the meaning of said and its purpose for KLovers who are currently learning English.

Well, here is an explanation of the meaning of said, along with the differences from told and examples of said in a sentence. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Meaning of Said

As previously explained, the meaning of said itself is a past tense verb which means spoken, said, stated, conveyed. The word said is a verb from say which means to say, speak, and many more.

So, the word said is used for a conversation that has been done before, for example in Indonesian language the sentence is like, "I said bla bla." If in English then the sentence is like, "I said bla bla."


2. Difference between Said and Told

Now, what about the difference between said and told? Is the meaning of said and told the same? Yes, just like said, told is also a past tense verb from tell. The meaning of told itself is like said, spoken, narrated, told, informed.

So, what is the difference between told and said? The comparison between said and told is that said is intransitive while told is transitive. What is intransitive? Intransitive is a verb or a word that does not require an object.

While transitive is a word that requires an object in the sentence. Unlike intransitive verbs, transitive verbs can be changed into passive forms. Of course, this does not apply to intransitive verbs.

Furthermore, the word said in English is more informal, while told is more formal and causal. Then, said is used to report what other people say. While told is used to report what other people say to a certain person or group of people.


3. Example Sentences Using Said

After understanding the meaning of said and the difference from told, here are some examples of sentences that you can use when using the word said. Here are some examples of words when using said, along with their meanings:

1. And the man said, "He's come down a long way, hasn't he?" (Dan yang pria itu mengatakan, "Dia telah jatuh jauh sekali, bukan?")

2. The graduate students in Sanjiv Talwar's lab said, "Is this ethical?" (Para siswa pascasarjana di laboratorium Sanjiv Talwar berkata, Apa ini etis?)

3. And I think it's a more useful concept than sustainability, as I said. (Dan saya rasa itu adalah konsep yang lebih berguna dibandingkan kesinambungan.)

4. Then I said, all this is good, but I want to paint like a real painter. (Lalu saya berkata, semuanya bagus, tetapi saya ingin melukis seperti pelukis sebenarnya.)

5. We said, there's got to be a more sustainable way to make plastics. (Kami mengatakan, pasti ada cara membuat yang lebih dapat berkesinambungan.)

6. And then he went on, and then he turned to me and said, "You're an American." (Dan ketika dia terus berbicara, dan kemudian berbalik ke saya dan berkata, "Anda orang Amerika.")

7. And the teacher said, "But nobody knows what God looks like." (Dan sang guru berkata, "Tapi tidak satu orang pun tahu seperti apa Tuhan itu.")

8. I said, I'm going to collaborate with anybody and everybody I meet. (Saya berkata, saya akan berkolaborasi dengan siapa saja dan semua orang yang saya temui.)

9. "Be the change you want to see in the world," said Mahatma Gandhi. ("Jadilah perubahan yang anda ingin lihat di dunia," kata Mahatma Gandhi.)

10. When he said the word "species," he was revealing his worldview. (Saat dia berkata "spesies", dia mengungkapkan pandangannya terhadap dunia.)

11. But look, I said I wanted to do three things with you today. (Tapi lihat, saya mengatakan saya mau melakukan tiga hal dengan Anda hari ini.)

12. We said, "First, we're not going to use it on ourselves." (Kita berkata, "Pertama, Kita tidak akan menggunakannya untuk diri kita sendiri.")

13. And he's a very wise man, and he said, "Listen, Bhutan's goal is not to create happiness. (Dan ia orang yang sangat bijak, ia berkata, "Dengar, tujuan Bhutan bukan menciptakan kebahagiaan.)

14.And I think it's sort of weird to be living what Sun Tzu said. (Dan saya pikir agak aneh untuk hidup seperti apa yang dikatakan Sun Tzu.)

15.He said something that I've posted on the wall of my studio. (Dia mengatakan sesuatu yang saya telah saya tempel di dinding studio saya.)

That's the meaning of said that KLovers can know and understand. Not only the meaning of said, KLovers can also learn the difference between said and told. And an example of an English sentence using the word said along with its meaning.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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