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Procedures for Solar Eclipse Prayer Along with Its Intention Recitation, Understand the Order of Implementation

Procedures for Solar Eclipse Prayer Along with Its Intention Recitation, Understand the Order of Implementation Illustration (credit: - Solar eclipse prayer is a recommended voluntary prayer performed during a solar eclipse phenomenon. This phenomenon occurs when the position of the moon is between the earth and the sun, resulting in a partial or total solar eclipse. As Muslims, when an eclipse occurs, it is recommended to perform the solar eclipse prayer or lunar eclipse prayer.

Both solar and lunar eclipses are natural phenomena that frequently occur on earth. The solar eclipse is a sign of the power and greatness of Allah SWT as the owner of the universe and everything in it. Therefore, as Muslims, there is a recommendation to perform the solar eclipse prayer as a reminder to mankind of the power and greatness of Allah SWT.

"And among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate to Allah, who created them, if it is Him that you worship." (QS. Fushshilat: 37).

The procedure for praying the solar eclipse is basically the same as the obligatory or sunnah prayers. However, there are several things to consider regarding the order, recitation, and procedure of praying the solar eclipse.

For more information about the procedure of praying the solar eclipse, you can read the review below. Here is the procedure for praying the solar eclipse along with the recitation of intention and the order of implementation that has been summarized by from various sources.


1. Recommendation for Solar Eclipse Prayer

Before discussing the procedures for solar eclipse prayer, it is important to know the recommendation to perform the prayer for solar eclipse as stated in several hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The recommendation to perform the prayer for solar eclipse is mentioned in a hadith that says:

"Indeed, the sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of the power of Allah. This eclipse does not occur due to the death or birth of someone. If you see this phenomenon, then pray to Allah, glorify Him, perform the prayer, and give charity." (HR. Bukhari no. 1044).

There is also another hadith that recommends Muslims to perform the prayer for eclipse as mentioned in the book Bulugul Maram no. 526, a hadith from Al-Muhirah:

"During the time of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, there was a solar eclipse on the day of Ibrahim's death. Then the people shouted, saying that the eclipse occurred because of Ibrahim's death. So the Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam said:

"Indeed, the sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of the power of Allah. Their eclipse does not occur due to the death or life of someone. If you see both of them, then pray to Allah and perform the prayer until they return to their normal state."


2. Reading the Intention for Solar Eclipse Prayer

The intention for prayer is one of the valid conditions that Muslims must fulfill before performing prayer. This includes the solar eclipse prayer, which has a specific intention that needs to be known. The intention for solar eclipse prayer can be seen through the following explanation.

"Ushalli sunnatan-likhusuufi-syamsi imaaman/makmuman lillali ta'ala."

Meaning: "I intend to perform the sunnah prayer for the solar eclipse as an imam or follower solely for the sake of Allah."


3. Procedures for Solar Eclipse Prayer

The solar eclipse prayer can also be called the kusuf prayer. The solar eclipse prayer is performed with two units of prayer, with two rukuk and sujud. It is recommended to perform the solar eclipse prayer in congregation. Therefore, after knowing the recitation of the solar eclipse prayer, you can perform the solar eclipse prayer according to its procedure.

So, knowing how to perform the solar eclipse prayer as described in the following review can be used as a reference. Here is the procedure for praying the solar eclipse.

- Recite the intention for the solar eclipse prayer.

- Takbiratul ihram.

- Recite the opening prayer.

- Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and a longer verse from the Quran.

- Perform rukuk while prolonging the recitation.

- I'tidal.

- Continue by reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and a shorter verse from the Quran compared to the previous recitation.

- Second rukuk.

- I'tidal.

- Then perform the first prostration, which is the same length as the rukuk.

- Sit between the two prostrations.

- Perform the second prostration and sit between the two prostrations.

- Rise from prostration and perform the second unit of prayer.

- In the second unit, it can be performed the same as the first unit but shorter than the first unit.

- Salam.

- Then it is recommended for the imam to give a sermon.

The sermon contains advice for Muslims to increase istighfar, remembrance of Allah, and prayers during the solar eclipse phenomenon. It also includes advice to increase faith and taqwa (piety) towards Allah SWT.


4. Virtues of Solar Eclipse Prayer

There are various virtues of solar eclipse prayer that Muslims should know. Besides remembering the power and greatness of Allah SWT, there are other virtues that need to be known. Among the virtues of solar eclipse prayer are as follows:

- The first virtue of solar eclipse prayer is to remember the power of Allah SWT.

- The virtue of solar eclipse prayer serves as a reminder to humans of the greatness of Allah SWT and to fear only Allah SWT as the owner of the universe.

- The virtue of solar eclipse prayer allows believers to prove their faith and strengthen their faith in Allah SWT through the power and greatness that He has shown.

Those are the procedures for solar eclipse prayer along with its intention. By knowing the procedures for solar eclipse prayer mentioned above, it can facilitate you in performing the solar eclipse prayer.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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