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Reading After Witr Prayer Along with Wirid Arrangement and Complete Prayer

Reading After Witr Prayer Along with Wirid Arrangement and Complete Prayer Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - After the salam from witir prayer, we are advised not to immediately get up and leave the location. We are advised to recite prayers and wirid as readings after witir prayer as follows:

"A person is advised after the witir prayer to recite three times, 'Subhanal malikil quddus,' then recite, 'Allahumma ini a'adzu bi ridhaka min sakhathika, wa bi mu'afatika min 'uqubatika.Wa a'udzu bika minka, la uhshi tsana'an alayka anta kama atsnayta 'ala nafsika,'" (See Syekh M Nawawi Banten, Nihayatuz Zain, [Beirut, Darul Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah: 2002 M/1422 H], page 101).

ALSO READ: Order of Dhikr After Prayer, Know the Correct Order

Therefore, as Muslims who want to use their time for worship as best as possible, you need to pay attention to the advice, wirid arrangement, and readings after the witir prayer below.





1. Recommendation to Perform Witr Prayer

There are several hadiths that encourage Muslims to maintain and perform the Witr prayer. To make it more complete, you are also encouraged to recite prayers through readings after the Witr prayer.

One of them is from Kharijah bin Hudzafah who narrated that one morning, before dawn, the Prophet Muhammad came out to meet his companions and said:

"Allah SWT has provided a prayer at night that is better than a red camel."

"What prayer is that, O Messenger of Allah?" they asked. "The Witr prayer that is performed between the Isha prayer and the dawn," he answered. (HR. Abu Dawud).

The red camel was the most valuable means of transportation for the Arab society at that time. The animal is a symbol that can elevate a person's social status in the midst of society. And, that is how the Prophet Muhammad saw the luxury of the world, namely by comparing it to worship whose rewards are far more noble.



2. Reading Sequence After Sholat Witir

The following is the order of readings after the Witr prayer that you need to pay attention to:

1. Shahadah

Asyhadu an la ilaha illallah.

Meaning, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah."

2. Istighfar


Meaning, "I seek forgiveness from Allah."

3. Request for Allah's Pleasure and Paradise

Allahumma inni as' aluka ridhaka wal jannah, wa a'udzu bika min sakhathika wan nar.

Meaning, "My Lord, I ask for Your pleasure and Your Paradise. I also seek refuge in You from Your anger and Your Hellfire."

4. Points 1-3 are repeated 3 times.

5. Tasbih (3 times).

Subhanal malikil quddus.

Meaning, "Glory be to the Holy King," (HR An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).

6. Praise of holiness.

Subbuhun, quddusun, rabbuna wa rabbul mala'ikati war ruh.

Meaning, "Holy and holy is our Lord, the Lord of the angels and Jibril," (HR Al-Baihaqi and Ad-Daruqutni).

7. Praise for the breadth of forgiveness (3 times).

Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun karimun tuhibbul 'afwa, fa'fu 'anni.

Meaning, "My Lord, You are truly the Most Forgiving and Merciful. You love forgiveness, so forgive me."

8. Praise for the generosity and mercy of Allah.

Ya karimu, bi rahmatika ya arhamar rahimina.

Meaning, "O Most Generous One, (I ask) for the sake of Your mercy, O Most Merciful of all those who show mercy."

9. Request for forgiveness and safety.

Allahumma ini a'udzu bi ridhaka min sakhathika, wa bi mu'afatika min 'uqubatika. Wa a'udzu bika minka, la uhshi tsana'an alayka anta kama atsnayta 'ala nafsika.

Meaning, "My Lord, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your wrath and in Your protection from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot enumerate Your praise. You are as You have praised Yourself." I cannot count Your praises as much as You praise Yourself, "(HR Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, An-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah).

That is the order of recitation after the witr prayer during the wirid. Then, you can continue with the prayer according to the recitation after the witr prayer below.






3. Reading After Sholat Witir Alone

Listen to the recitation after the witr prayer when alone below.

Oh Allah, we ask You for constant faith, we ask You for a humble heart, we ask You for beneficial knowledge, we ask You for true conviction, we ask You for righteous deeds, we ask You for a straight religion, we ask You for abundant goodness, we ask You for forgiveness and well-being, we ask You for perfect health, we ask You for gratitude for health, and we ask You to make us the richest of all people.

Oh Allah, our Lord, accept our prayers, fasting, night prayers, humility, and worship. Perfect our negligence or shortcomings, Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Merciful One among the merciful. May Allah's blessings be upon the best of His creatures, Muhammad, his family and companions, and all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.






4. Reading After Sholat Witir in Congregation

Here are the readings after Sholat Witir when praying in congregation.

subhanal malikil qudduus (3x), subbuhun quddusun rabbunaa wa rabbul malaa-ikati warruuh, allahumma inni a'udzu bi ridhaoka min sakhotik wa bi mu'afaatika min 'uqubatik, wa a'udzu bika minka laa uh-shi tsanaa-an 'alaik, anta kamaa atsnaita 'ala nafsik

Meaning: "Glory be to You, the Most High King, and Holy from all imperfections, Holy again, the Quddus Lord our God, the Lord of the angels, and the angel Jibril. O Allah, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your anger, and in Your safety from Your punishment, and I seek refuge in You from Your punishment. I cannot count the praises and compliments to You, You are as You praise Yourself."

Usually, the prayer after Sholat Witir in the mosque will be recited together by all congregants led by the imam, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.




5. About Witir Meaning Night Prayer

Sholat witir means performing sunnah prayers in Islam. The meaning of sunnah prayer is that if performed, one will be rewarded, but if not performed, one will not be punished. Speaking of witir, it means performing sunnah prayers at night. Because witir is performed at night, starting from after Isha until before Subuh.

In addition, witir prayer is also part of the qiyamul lail prayer. This means that witir prayer is a voluntary worship that is included in a series of qiyamul lail prayers. Witir prayer can also mean odd-numbered sunnah prayer at night.

To perform the witir prayer, it can be done at the end of the prayer. In other words, witir means the end of the night to perform odd-numbered prayers. That is why the witir prayer is performed at the end after performing sunnah prayers such as Tarawih or Tahajud. That is an explanation of the meaning of witir prayer at night.




6. Tata Cara Sholat Witir 3 Rakaat

After understanding the meaning of Witr prayer, it is also important for you to know the procedure for performing this voluntary prayer. Where to perform Witr prayer can be done with odd number of rak'ahs like 3 rak'ahs. Meanwhile, the procedure for Witr prayer with 3 rak'ahs is also important for you to know. Because to perform Witr prayer at night is quite easy. Here is the guide that you need to know KLovers.

To perform Witr prayer with 3 rak'ahs, you can do it with 2 salams. That means for the first rak'ah, you can perform 2 rak'ahs first and then salam. Then continue with 1 rak'ah and then salam. However, there is also an opinion that says that you can perform 3 rak'ahs at once in Witr prayer. But in the following discussion, the procedure for Witr prayer with 3 rak'ahs with 2 rak'ahs salam and 1 rak'ah salam will be explained.

- Read the intention of Witr prayer first, which is,

Ushallii sunnatam minal witri rak'ataini lillaahhi ta'ala.

Meaning: I intend to perform 2 rak'ahs of voluntary Witr prayer for the sake of Allah ta'ala.

- Read Surah Al-Fatihah.

- Read a short Surah in the Quran, recommended Surah Al-'Ala.

- Then perform rukuk.

- I'tidal.

- First prostration.

- Sit between two prostrations.

- Second prostration.

- Then stand up to perform the second rak'ah.

- Read Surah Al-Fatihah and a short Surah in the Quran, recommended Surah Al-Kafirun.

- Then rukuk.

- I'tidal.

- First prostration.

- Sit between two prostrations.

- Second prostration.

- Sit for the final tashahhud.

- Salam

After performing 2 rak'ahs of Witr prayer, you can continue by performing 1 rak'ah of Witr prayer. Here is the guide.

- Read the intention of 1 rak'ah of Witr prayer first, which is,

Ushallii sunnatam minal witri rak'atal lillaahhi ta'ala.

Meaning: I intend to perform 1 rak'ah of voluntary Witr prayer for the sake of Allah ta'ala.

- Read Surah Al-Fatihah.

- Read a short Surah in the Quran, recommended Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas.

- Then perform rukuk.

- I'tidal.

- First prostration.

- Sit between two prostrations.

- Second prostration.

- Sit for the final tashahhud.

- Then salam.

- Done.




7. Keutamaan Sholat Witir

There are several special virtues of performing the Witr prayer at night. Especially during the holy and blessed month of Ramadan, performing various Sunnah practices including Witr prayer can be a source of reward. Here are some of the virtues of Witr prayer that you need to know.

1. All Duas are Answered

The virtue of Witr prayer that can be obtained is that all Duas are answered. Especially since Witr prayer is a Sunnah prayer at night, it can be a suitable time to find inner peace and get closer to Allah SWT.

2. Loved More by Allah SWT

The next virtue of Witr prayer is that it makes us more loved by Allah SWT. This is in accordance with a hadith from Ali bin Abi Thalib. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,

"Indeed Allah is odd and He loves odd numbers and loves those who perform Witr prayer, so perform Witr prayer, O people of the Quran." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Completes Night Prayer

The next virtue of Witr prayer is that it completes the night prayer. In other words, Witr prayer also becomes the prayer that ends the night. So, by performing Witr prayer, it can make the Sunnah prayers at night more perfect.

"Make the last of your prayers at night Witr prayer." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

4. Witnessed by Angels

One of the special virtues of Witr prayer is that it is witnessed by the angels. Especially if you perform Witr prayer at the end of the night, then the angels of Allah will witness it. This is in accordance with a hadith that means,

"Whoever is afraid that he cannot wake up at the end of the night, let him perform Witr prayer at the beginning of the night. And whoever hopes to be able to wake up at the end of the night, let him perform Witr prayer at the end of the night, because the prayer at the end of the night is witnessed (by the angels) and that is more virtuous." Abu Mu'awiyah said; "It is attended (by the angels)." (Narrated by Muslim)

5. Practice of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

In a hadith, it is explained that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always performed Witr prayer at night. So, if we also perform it, then we are practicing and implementing what was taught by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

"My beloved Prophet Muhammad instructed me to fast three days every month, to perform 2 Rakat of Dhuha prayer, and to perform Witr prayer before I sleep." (Narrated by This is in accordance with a narration from Ali bin Abi Thalib. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,

"Verily, Allah is odd and loves those who perform Witr prayer, so perform Witr prayer, O people of the Quran." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Perfecting Night Prayer

Another virtue of Witr prayer is that it perfects the prayer at night. In other words, Witr prayer also becomes the prayer to close the night. Therefore, by performing Witr prayer, it can make the voluntary prayers at night more perfect.

"Make the last of your prayers at night Witr prayer." (HR. Bukhari Muslim)

4. Worship Witnessed by Angels

One of the special characteristics of Witr prayer is that it is witnessed by the angels. Especially if you perform Witr prayer at the end of the night, then the angels of Allah will witness it. This is in accordance with a narration which means,

"Whoever is afraid that he cannot wake up at the end of the night, let him perform Witr at the beginning of the night. And whoever hopes to be able to wake up at the end of the night, let him perform Witr at the end of the night, because the prayer at the end of the night is witnessed (by the angels) and that is more virtuous." Abu Mu'awiyah said; "It is mentioned (attended by the angels)." (HR. Muslim)

5. Deeds Done by Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

In a narration, it is explained that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always performed Witr prayer at night. So if we also perform it, then we have practiced and implemented what was taught by Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

"My beloved Prophet Muhammad instructed me to fast 3 days every month, perform 2 rakaat of Dhuha prayer, and perform Witr prayer before I sleep." (HR. Bukhari)

Well, that's the reading after the Witr prayer that you can follow.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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