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The Meaning of Ar Razzaq is the Provider, Also Learn Its Types and Meanings in the Quran

The Meaning of Ar Razzaq is the Provider, Also Learn Its Types and Meanings in the Quran Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Allah SWT has 99 beautiful names known as Asmaul Husna. As Muslims, you must pay attention to this, one of which is the meaning of Ar Razzaq.

Ar Razzaq is the name of Allah located in the 17th order. The meaning of Ar Razzaq is the Provider. No one can provide sustenance to humans except Allah SWT. This name shows the perfection and generosity of Allah in providing sustenance for His creations.

In addition to the meaning of Ar Razzaq, you also need to know its meanings. Here is information about it along with an explanation of the types of sustenance that you need to learn.


1. Meaning of Ar Razzaq

As mentioned above, Ar Razzaq is one of the Asmaul Husna, which means The Provider. The word Ar Razzaq comes from the Arabic word "Ar Rizq" which consists of three letters, "ra", "za", and "qaf". The word means "provision that is time-related".

Furthermore, the meaning of Ar Razzaq is expanded in its use as "any provision that is not time-related". The provision referred to is sustenance or all forms and manifestations of Allah's gifts to all creatures.

There is evidence of Ar Razzaq as a name of Allah in the Quran. You can see it in Surah Adz Dzariyat verse 58:

"Innal laaha Huwar Razzaaqu Zul Quwwatil Matiin"

Meaning: (Verily Allah, He is the Provider, the Possessor of Power, the Strong.)

Through the above verse, it can be understood that Allah, who is Almighty, does not need anything from His creatures. He is the provider of sustenance and the owner of great power and strength.


2. The Meaning of Ar Razzaq

In the explanation of the meaning of Ar Razzaq above, it is mentioned that the origin of the word is "Ar Rizq". In the Quran, the meaning of Allah as the Provider of Sustenance is also referred to as Ar Raziq. Actually, both names are part of the Asmaul Husna. The explanation of this can be found in Surah Al Jumuah verse 11 as follows:

"And when they see trade or amusement, they rush to it and leave you standing. Say, "What is with Allah is better than amusement and trade," and Allah is the best of providers."

This verse is related to the previous verse which contains a warning for believers to work to seek halal sustenance after performing Friday prayers. Verse 11 is a warning or reprimand for Muslims who leave the Prophet while he is delivering the Friday sermon and choose to hunt for goods or watch entertainment instead. Whereas, the blessings for those who are obedient to Allah and the Prophet are better than entertainment and valuable goods that humans pursue.

As Ar Razzaq, Allah SWT has provided sustenance (that will never run out) and Allah SWT has created those who need that sustenance, namely humans and other creatures. Allah also created ways that humans and other creatures will use to seek or obtain sustenance. And it is Allah SWT who provides the sustenance needed and requested directly by humans and other creatures.

Therefore, it is completely untrue and justified if someone feels proud of their success by assuming that the sustenance does not exist or forgetting the factor of giving from Allah SWT. It is even more unacceptable if the person shows off and boasts about their success.


3. Types of Sustenance in the Quran

Speaking about the meaning of Ar Razzaq, of course, you also need to find out more about the types of sustenance given by Allah SWT. There are eight types of sustenance in the Quran that are summarized in the following information.

1. Sustenance that has been guaranteed by Allah SWT

Allah has guaranteed sustenance for every one of His people, so you don't need to worry about something that has not been obtained yet because it is possible that Allah SWT will give something better than that.

2. Sustenance because of gratitude

Sustenance is everything that you have obtained in this world. This clearly comes from Allah SWT. By being grateful, that blessing will continue to flow.

3. Sustenance because of effort

Sustenance can come anytime, even without being asked, Allah has already flowed so many blessings for His creatures. However, you must continue to strive, such as working to obtain halal sustenance. This can be explained in the following verses from Surah An-Naim 39-41:

39. "And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives"

40. "And indeed, his effort will be seen"

41. Then he will be recompensed for it with the fullest recompense

4. Sustenance from children, grandchildren, and family

Sustenance from Allah can flow from anywhere, including from children, grandchildren, and family. Therefore, do not think that their presence is something troublesome.

5. Sustenance from charity

Charity is one of the ways for humans to obtain sustenance. Allah will reward those who always set aside their possessions for others. The recipient of charity will also be grateful and pray for your goodness.

6. Sustenance from marriage

Marriage is one of the doors of sustenance for humans. Allah will provide the ability for every servant who gets married. Allah is the Most Giving and Knowing.

7. Sustenance due to frequent repentance

Repentance is one of the ways that humans can do when experiencing difficulties. Thus, humans will be given ease by Allah.

8. Unexpected sustenance

Allah has the best plan for every creature, including matters of sustenance. Humans can receive unexpected sustenance, for example when facing financial difficulties, you can obtain wealth that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Truly, it is a gift from Allah SWT.

Now, KLovers, that is the explanation regarding the meaning of Ar Razzaq and types of sustenance in the Quran that you need to know.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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