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Realistic Meaning in General, Along with Characteristics and Differences from Idealistic

Realistic Meaning in General, Along with Characteristics and Differences from Idealistic Illustration (credit: Pexels) - You must know the word realistic. Yes, this word is not a common daily word but it is not unfamiliar either. The meaning of realistic itself is something that appears real and not made up. It can also be called as it is. However, is the meaning of realistic as mentioned?

Well, besides KLovers knowing what realistic means, KLovers will also know the difference between realistic and idealistic as well as the characteristics of realistic people. This will make KLovers better understand the explanation of the meaning of realistic.

Well, for that reason, based on various sources, here is the meaning of realistic that KLovers can know and understand. Along with the difference from the word idealistic and the characteristics of realistic people. Let's check it out.


1. Understanding Realistic

As previously explained, the meaning of realistic is something that appears real. According to Bahai Teachings, the meaning of realistic is someone who has a good understanding of the reality of a situation and understands what can and cannot be done. This is why people with realistic thinking are very reliable.

In addition to understanding the concept of reality, realistic people are also good at understanding emotions. According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of realistic is something that is real or something that is reasonable. Therefore, realistic is a description of someone who is good at assessing reality or the truth.

Furthermore, according to Bahai Teachings, the meaning of realistic is someone who has a good understanding of the reality of a situation and understands what can and cannot be done. Therefore, realistic is a perspective that focuses on facts in real life. People who have realistic thinking never force their will and always try to understand the actual situation, not outdated.

Lastly, according to Harvard Business Review, being realistic tends to lead to a more pragmatic and current perspective on a situation. Realistic means having an absolute position that is free from thoughts, ideas, and consciousness.


2. Realistic and Idealistic Differences

What about the differences between realistic and idealistic? Do they have the same meaning and purpose? There are several differences between an idealistic person and a realistic person. Often, an idealistic person is considered someone who is daydreaming. This is because their opinions are sometimes unreasonable.

Unlike a realistic person, a realistic person is more likely to survive and adapt to their environment. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to both idealistic and realistic people that you need to know. For their advantages, an idealistic person is structured in their actions.

Meanwhile, a realistic person does not think much and acts directly according to what has been conceptualized. While their disadvantage, an idealistic person tends to think more without acting. And a realistic person acts directly without a strong basis of thought. That is the difference between the two.


3. Characteristics of a Realistic Person

After understanding the meaning of realistic in full and the differences between it and idealistic. Then, here is an explanation of the characteristics of a realistic person that KLovers can understand.

1. Behaving Relaxed

People who have a realistic attitude are generally very relaxed, because they understand that sometimes bad things happen, and you are always ready to roll with the punches.

2. Remembered

People who have a realistic attitude will look to you when it's time to plan a trip, because they know that you won't just plan everything perfectly, you'll also make all the necessary backup plans when the initial plan inevitably fails.

3. Avoiding Drama

People who have a realistic attitude try to avoid drama in every way possible, because drama is mostly made up of people who act irrationally, and it makes you endlessly frustrated.

4. Prepared

Your wallet rivals Mary Poppins' bag. You know to be prepared for any situation, so your friends can rely on you to bring a pack of tissues, sunscreen, and afternoon snacks with you at all times.

5. Reliable

People who have a realistic attitude are always there when a friend who has a dramatic appearance needs a mediator, because you are guaranteed to see both sides rationally, and help them resolve their differences.

6. Good at Giving Advice

People who have a realistic attitude constantly fight the urge to say, "I told you so," when your friends ignore your wise realism.

7. Understanding of Feelings

Being realistic does not mean you are brutal. People who have a realistic attitude know that people have feelings, and people who have a realistic attitude are careful to give them their honest opinion without hurting them.

8. Firm Stance

The fact that people who have a realistic attitude are the only ones who decide to bring an umbrella, and now it's raining and everyone is fighting for a coveted spot under it, usually means they talk a lot.

That is the meaning of realistic that KLovers can know and understand. Not only the meaning of realistic, but also the difference between realistic and idealistic and the characteristics of realistic people.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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