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#ShowYourPores, Let's Upload Selfie Photos Without Filters on Instagram

#ShowYourPores, Let's Upload Selfie Photos Without Filters on Instagram credit via Shutterstock - If you're invited to take a selfie without a filter, most of you might think twice.Some may worry about their pimples being displayed on social media, while others don't want their large pores to make their face look uneven.No wonder many refuse to do it.Are you like that too?

Selfies with filters do make the face instantly smooth.The desired glowing and perfect appearance can easily be achieved.But, do you realize that it makes you unable to accept yourself as you are because you are trapped in the wrong beauty standards?Pore Hero invites you to change this mindset!

#ShowYourPores Encourages Women to Love Their Skin

credit via Instagram/thevallenpost

Through the #ShowYourPores campaign, Pore Hero invites people to accept and love their skin. Especially for women who often feel insecure when experiencing acne, enlarged pores, or blackhead problems.Change that mindset, get rid of the word insecurity.Instead, share a selfie photo without any filters on social media to voice out that having pores is normal.

Change Mindset and Definition of Beauty

credit: Pore Hero

You may often see social media and skincare ads trying to create beauty standards that are far from reality.For them, beauty standards may be measured by fair, smooth, or glowing skin.However, do not be influenced by that.Once again, change your way of thinking and understand different definitions of beauty.How? Prioritize healthy skin that can make you feel more comfortable, rather than just perfect skin according to existing beauty standards.

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"Advertisements and social media create beauty standards that are almost impossible and often make us unable to appreciate the skin we have.Rather than trying to chase perfect skin, it is more important for you to feel comfortable with your own skin.Do not let other people's judgments make you feel less valuable.Believe in yourself," said Valencia Nathania, Founder of Pore Hero.

Encourage Women to Take Care of Their Skin

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Together with Pore Hero, invite everyone, including women, to take care of their skin.Defeat insecurities together, and stop overthinking about the skin they have.Because everyone has different skin, and skin problems like acne, enlarged pores, and blackheads are normal.Instead of constantly feeling insecure, make it a motivation to be more diligent in taking care of your skin.

credit: Pore Hero

Make taking care of your skin a symbol of accepting and loving yourself. Don't worry, you're not alone because Pore Hero is here to support each other with their first product, Matcha Face Mask, which will be available on October 10, 2020. Pore Hero uses quality ingredients and avoids harmful ingredients for your skin that can care for and maintain the health of your skin."Everyone wants to be beautiful and that's just the face. But what's crazy is the standard. Why does society shape the standard that beauty has to be perfect, beautiful only if you have white, smooth, glowing skin. Social media and advertisements make us forget that we are all beautiful. We are all valuable," Nathania via

#ShowYourPores, it's time for you to show the definition of beauty without filters because you also have the right to look beautiful. Acne, large pores, or blackheads are normal and inevitable. It's okay because the most important thing is that you can accept and love yourself. Let's find out more about #ShowYourPores and Pore Hero by following @poreherobeauty.



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