Kapanlagi.com - Prophet Muhammad strongly recommends qobliyah subuh or sunnah prayer before dawn. The two units of sunnah prayer before dawn are better than the whole universe as stated in the following message from Prophet Muhammad:
"Two units of Fajr prayer are better than the whole world."
However, it is also important to note that it is recommended not to prolong the prayer, considering its status as sunnah prayer before dawn.
READ ALSO: Â Know the Intention of Sunnah Prayer Before Obligatory Prayer with its Virtues
To find out information about the sunnah prayer before dawn and its virtues, refer to the information provided by merdeka.com below.
1. Reading Intentions for Sunnah Prayer Before Dawn

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
Intention is the foundation for every activity. This also applies to the sunnah prayer before dawn, which you can recite according to the following reading:
"Ushalli sunnatash-shubhi rak'ataini qabliyyatal lillahi ta'ala."
Meaning: "I intend to perform two units of sunnah prayer before dawn for the sake of Allah the Almighty."
You can also recite the intention for the morning prayer as follows:
"Usholli sunnatas shubhi rok'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati adaa-an lillaahi ta'ala."
Meaning: "I intend to perform two units of sunnah prayer before dawn facing the qibla for the sake of Allah the Almighty."
For the procedure of performing the pre-dawn qobliyah prayer, it is similar to when we perform the dawn prayer.
Furthermore, there are reasons not to prolong the sunnah prayer before dawn following the Prophet Muhammad's practice (liitba'I sunnatir rasul), which is to recite Surah Al-Kafirun in the first unit (after Al-Fatihah) and Surah Al-Ikhlas (after Al-Fatihah) in the second unit. Alternatively, you can recite Surah Al-Insyirakh in the first unit and Surah Al-Fiil in the second unit.
Practically, it is also recommended in Nihayatuz zain to recite specific wirid after the two units while waiting for the dawn prayer. The recitation is as follows: (1) Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum La Ilaha Illa anta, 40 times. (2) Surah Al-Ikhlas, 11 times. (3) Surah Al-Falaq, 1 time. (4) Surah An-Nas, 1 time. (5) Subhanallah wa Bihamdihi, Subhanallahil Adhim, Asytaghfirullah, 100 times.
2. Better than the World and its Contents

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
The first virtue is its goodness that is better than the world and its contents. The virtue of performing the sunnah prayer before dawn is probably already known by Muslims.
If you already know this virtue, you should be aware that the virtue of performing the sunnah prayer before dawn alone is so great, what about the virtue of performing the Fajr prayer itself?
Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased with him said that the Prophet peace be upon him once said about the extraordinary virtue of the Fajr prayer,
"If they knew the virtue of Isha prayer and Fajr prayer, they would come to it crawling." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).
3. Following the Example of the Prophet

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
The virtue of performing sunnah prayers before dawn is as an effort for us to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet Muhammad used to set an example for us to always maintain the routine of performing the pre-dawn qobliyah prayer.
"The Prophet Muhammad used to remain silent between the call to prayer and the dawn prayer. Before the dawn prayer, he would perform two light units of prayer." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
4. Covering the Deficiencies of Obligatory Prayers

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
The virtue of performing sunnah prayers before dawn is also to cover the deficiencies when performing obligatory prayers. As humans, we always have shortcomings. The same goes for when performing obligatory prayers. Often, the prayers we perform have deficiencies in certain aspects.
To cover these deficiencies, it is recommended to perform the sunnah prayers. The Prophet Muhammad said,
"Indeed, the first thing that will be judged among a person's deeds on the Day of Judgment is their prayer. Then Allah, the Almighty, will say to His angels, who are more aware of everything, 'Look at the prayer of My servant, whether it is complete or has deficiencies. If it is complete, then record for them the full reward. But if there are some deficiencies, then see if My servant has performed any voluntary prayers. If they have, then complete the reward for My servant due to the voluntary prayers they have performed.' Then the rest of their deeds will be judged in a similar manner." (Narrated by Abu Daud).
5. Rewards of a House in Paradise

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
The virtue of performing the sunnah prayers before Fajr is that one will be rewarded with a house in paradise. This virtue is explained in a hadith narrated by Ummu Habibah, may Allah be pleased with her, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. She said,
"I heard the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saying:
'A Muslim servant who performs non-obligatory sunnah prayers for the sake of Allah, twelve rak'ahs in each day, Allah will build for him a house (palace) in paradise.'"
Then Ummu Habibah, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "After hearing this hadith, I never abandoned these prayers." (Reported by Muslim).
That is the explanation about the sunnah prayers before Fajr and their virtues.
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