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The Art Branch Enthusiast is the Sense of Touch and Sight, Know Its Functions and Elements

The Art Branch Enthusiast is the Sense of Touch and Sight, Know Its Functions and Elements Visual arts (credit: freepik) - A work of art can be a form of entertainment for some people, especially art lovers. For them, enjoying a work of art can be a way to relieve fatigue and stress. We are familiar with several types of art, ranging from visual arts, music, literature, and many more. Each type of art can be enjoyed with specific senses. The senses for appreciating visual arts are sight and touch.

Until now, visual arts have been one of the popular branches of art with many fans. Unlike other branches of art, visual art always comes in a concrete form. This means that visual art can be seen and even touched. That is why the senses for appreciating visual arts are sight and touch.

However, to better understand the essence of the senses for appreciating visual arts as sight and touch, please read the following summary compiled from various sources.



1. Definition of Fine Arts

As mentioned earlier, fine arts in general are artworks that take the form of concrete objects. Therefore, fine arts can be enjoyed through the sense of touch and sight. However, beyond that, several figures and art experts have their own views on fine arts. Here are some of them.

1. Aristotle
According to Aristotle, fine arts are creations that are made through the process of imitating nature, but with ideal characteristics.

2. Haukin
Meanwhile, according to Haukin, fine arts are part of human expression that is poured into imagination, and then applied to a medium. In other words, fine arts are also art that is meant to be exhibited or performed in front of many people.

3. Sussane K Langer
Sussane K Langer defines fine arts as human creations that have beauty, which can be enjoyed by others.

4. Kumala Devi Chattopadhayaya
According to Kumala Devi Chattopadhayaya, fine arts are an expression of an artist's emotions conveyed to art enthusiasts. This means that fine arts act as a bridge to help others understand the artist's feelings or thoughts.

5. Drs. Sudarmaji
According to Drs. Sudarmaji, fine arts encompass everything that has inner manifestations, accompanied by aesthetic experiences through various elements such as shape, line, color, texture, volume, and light and dark.



2. Elements of Fine Arts

Studying fine arts is not enough to just read or understand its definition. Fine arts is a complex art form and has several elements. Here are some elements of fine arts.

1. Point Element
The point element is the smallest or fundamental element of all ideas or concepts expressed in a work of fine art.

2. Line Element
The line element is a form of combining point elements, through lines a form or pattern is formed.

3. Form Element
The form element is an element that makes a work of fine art look more detailed.

4. Plane Element
The plane element is the result of the development and combination of many lines, so that the lines appear as a side of a work of fine art.

5. Space Element
The space element is an element that will make a work look both real and unreal. This depends on the dimensions of the fine art used.

6. Color Element
The color element is one of the most important elements. Color will give beauty to the results of fine art.

7. Light and Dark Elements
The light and dark elements are elements that will make a work of fine art look more real and detailed.

8. False Texture and Real Texture Elements
The false texture and real texture elements are elements that are used as the characteristics of a work of art.



3. Functions of Visual Art

Visual art is not just art that can be enjoyed. More than that, visual art can also provide several functions. Here are some functions of visual art.

1. Fulfillment Function
Artworks are created from the imagination and creativity of artists. Visual art also serves as a medium for artists to express their ideas and concepts. This means that visual art functions as a fulfillment of needs for artists and art enthusiasts.

2. Emotional Fulfillment Function
Visual art can also function as a means of fulfilling individual emotional needs. In addition, visual art can be used as a means of worship or as a medium for prayer, as a means of communication, as a means of education, and as a means of preserving national culture. Yes, many needs can be fulfilled through visual art.

3. Social Function
The social function is the existence of visual art for spiritual satisfaction that is not only felt by artists but also by society.



4. Indra Penikmat Cabang Seni Rupa Adalah

As previously mentioned, visual arts are a form of art that differs from other types of art. Visual art is considered special because it can be directly experienced by the human senses. The senses that appreciate visual art are sight and touch, meaning that the artwork can be enjoyed simply by looking at it or touching it.

Through sight, we can carefully observe the beauty created by points, lines, colors, and other visual elements. Meanwhile, through touch, we can appreciate the form, texture, and other physical aspects. This makes visual art special, as it can be enjoyed and evaluated from multiple aspects.

In addition, artists always maximize their visual and tactile senses in creating their works. By doing so, artists can produce magnificent visual artworks, whether in the form of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, carvings, and so on.

That is a brief explanation of how sight and touch are the senses that appreciate visual art. Hopefully, this information is beneficial and broadens your knowledge.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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