Kapanlagi.com - As Muslims, you surely understand that each Surah in the Quran has a good meaning to be learned. Based on that, you need to pay attention to one of the Surahs, namely Surah At-Takathur. Surah At-Takathur means boasting about worldly possessions.
It is not enough to just know this, as there is a deeper and more profound meaning that needs to be understood. In addition, the meaning of Surah At-Takathur is also about competing with each other.
This is important because there is a message about worldly competition that should be avoided. Although the meaning of Surah At-Takathur is clear, to understand its meaning, you need to delve deeper.
1. The Meaning of Surah At-Takathur

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Surah At-Takathur means boasting about worldly possessions. This word comes from the first verse of Surah At-Takathur which means competing with each other. The majority of scholars believe that Surah At-Takathur is a Meccan Surah because its revelation is related to two tribes in Mecca who boasted about their wealth. If we look at its content, Surah At-Takathur is a condemnation of those who are negligent about the glitter of the world and boast about something that is temporary.
Based on the term, the word At-Takathur comes from the word katsrah or many. In the context of this Surah, At-Takathur shows that there are two or more parties who are competing. These parties try to multiply and seem to claim to have more than their competitors. This behavior aims to gain pride in oneself.
2. Surah At-Takathur

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
As explained above, Surah At-Takathur means the abundance of worldly possessions and the arrogance that comes with it. To understand the context, it is better to read the Surah as it is. Here is the Surah At-Takathur in Latin form and its meaning that you can understand.
1. Al haaku mut takathur
(The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things diverts you)
2. Hatta zurtumul-maqoobir
(Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die).)
3. Kalla sawfa ta'lamuun
(Nay! You shall come to know)
4. Thumma kalla sawfa ta'lamuun
(Again, Nay! You shall come to know.)
5. Kalla law ta'lamuuna 'ilmal yaqiin
(Nay! If you knew with a sure knowledge)
6. Latara-wun nal jahiim
(Verily, You shall see the blazing Fire (Hell))
7. Thumma latara wunnaha 'ainal yaqiin
(And again, you shall see it with certainty of sight!)
8. Thumma latus alunna yauma-izin 'anin na'iim
(Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delights (you indulged in, in this world).)
3. Meaning of Surah At-Takathur

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Surat At-Takathur means a warning to humanity about the competition that takes place. The competition occurs between two or more parties in terms of increasing worldly adornments and glitter. In such behavior, humans try to have as much as possible without paying attention to religious norms and values.
The meaning of At-Takathur contains condemnation of all such competition. Because it can lead to neglect of someone. Clearly, it will ignore more important things.
Furthermore, this neglect will make humans compete without limits until they reach the grave. Even then, there can still be competition to prove how much influence and how many followers they have. It would be terrifying to imagine, even when there are still counting the dead among them.
That is, if the behavior is maintained, the competition will not stop until someone dies and is buried. This can be a lesson for humanity that accumulating wealth or increasing children with competitive motivation will only be in vain. It will never end because humans are never satisfied.
In the minds of people like that, only wealth, higher positions, and large followers and influence are depicted. To the point that there may be humans who think they want to compete with God as Pharaoh once did. Pharaoh is an example of a person who is neglected by competition. He was negligent until death arrived and he was buried.
4. Asbabun Nuzul of Surah At-Takathur

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
After knowing that the meaning of the letter At Takasur is boasting and warning, you also need to know the asbabun nuzul or the background of the descent of the letter. As mentioned earlier, this letter is related to the behavior of the Mecca community.
This letter is the 16th letter revealed to the Prophet Muhammad after the letter Al Kautsar and before the letter Al Maun.
This letter was revealed to condemn those who compete to boast and brag about their wealth. These people compete in the glitter of the world until they forget that there is an eternal grace in the afterlife.
In connection with this, Ibn Abi Hatim narrates from Ibn Buraidah. He said that,
"This verse came down regarding two tribes from among the Anshar community. Namely Bani Haritsah and Bani Harits. They boast and accumulate wealth."
One tribe said, "Is there anyone among you like so-and-so bin so-and-so bin so-and-so?" The other tribe also replied like that. They boast by mentioning people who are still alive.
Then they said, "Come with us to the grave." Then one of the two tribes said, "Is there anyone among you like so-and-so bin so-and-so bin so-and-so?"
They said pointing to the grave and so on. Then, Allah revealed the letter At Takatsur.
Well, KLovers, by listening to the information above, you can take the lesson that the letter Al Takasur means boasting and humans should not compete like that and ignore religious norms.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.