Kapanlagi.com - Breaking up sometimes causes deep heartache. Not a few people also fail to move on because of the beautiful memories with their ex that are so memorable.
What move on means is already widely known. However, not a few also consider that what move on means is to forget. In fact, the best way to move on is to make peace with the past events.
In addition, moving on from someone immediately is also very important. Because with move on, you can make yourself not trapped again with the past and continue your life in the present.
Before that, know what move on actually means. Well, here is a review of what move on means that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. What is the Meaning of Move On in General

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The term move on is certainly very familiar. Where the use of the word move on is used to explain the situation when someone tries to start a new life and leave the past behind. But what is the meaning of move on in general?
The meaning of move on comes from English. The word move on when translated into Indonesian means move or keep walking. Meanwhile, the meaning of what move on is usually used in a relationship, whether it's romantic or other relationships. However, the use of the word move on can actually be used for everything depending on the situation at hand.
Meanwhile, the meaning of move on in relationships then has a different meaning from the true meaning. Because the meaning of move on in relationships is generally expressed when someone has just broken up, feeling heartbroken, disappointed, or no hope left.
So the meaning of move on is to live a new life that is happier to leave memories or past events with someone who has ever stayed in your heart. In other words, the meaning of move on in relationships can be said to be opening up your heart and starting a new page again. That is the explanation of the meaning of move on in general and in love relationships.
2. The Best Way to Move On Quickly

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After understanding the meaning of moving on, also understand the best way to quickly move on. Because when someone decides to move on, it certainly takes time. Moreover, some people may experience situations when it is difficult to move on from someone. Although the way to move on for each person is different, some of the best ways to quickly move on below can be used as a reference.
- Stop stalking your ex on social media or unfollow them on social media.
- Psychologist named Guy Winch revealed that the best way to quickly move on is to be at peace with the situation so that memories of your ex that come to mind remain realistic and not biased.
- Stop asking why and what caused your relationship to end.
- Make past events a learning and best experience so that you can improve your future relationships.
- Do activities that make you happy and fill your free time.
- Keep away belongings related to your ex.
- Get support from your closest friends or family.
- Express your feelings through writing.
- Learn to accept the situation that has happened so that you no longer fantasize about it.
Those are some ways to overcome a breakup or disappointment because of someone, so that it can be an effort to help you start a new page again.
3. Causes of Failed Move On

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What does move on mean? It doesn't mean forgetting the past altogether. Because when you try to forget the past, it actually makes you remember it even more. That's why some sources mention that the meaning of move on is to learn to accept what has happened in the past.
By doing so, it can help you reconcile with the situation and turn the past into a valuable lesson. However, there are several reasons why someone often fails to move on. Below are some points on the causes of failed move on that often occur.
- Being ghosted by someone, meaning they leave and end the relationship without any reason. This makes you wonder why your relationship with them ended.
- Having unpleasant memories that often make you drown in nostalgia with them.
- Being trapped in prolonged sadness due to separation.
- Blaming yourself.
- Often stalking their social media.
- Wanting to move on quickly.
- Still having feelings of longing for the ex.
- Still hoping to rekindle the relationship with them.
- Being in the same friend circle or environment.
Those are some of the reasons why someone often fails to move on from their ex. So, it could be a self-reflection to help you recognize what causes failed move on.
4. Words to Quickly Move On

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There are many ways to help you quickly move on. One of them is through motivational words to quickly move on. That's why below are motivational words to quickly move on. Let's take a look at the reviews about words to quickly move on that can be a stimulus to make peace with the past.
1. "Moving on doesn't mean forcing yourself to forget, but letting go for something better."
2. "Everything heals. Your body heals. Your heart heals. The mind heals."
3. "Accept, change, leave."
4. "Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be."
5. "We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell
6. "I walk slowly, but I never walk backward." - Abraham Lincoln
7. "Patience is key to overcoming a breakup. That and ceasing all interaction after." - Drake
8. "You may not get over it, but you will get through it."
9. "The best revenge is to move on and get over it. Don't give someone the satisfaction of seeing you suffer."
10. "Don't like the chapter you're in? Write a new one. You are the author of your life."
11. "Inhale the future, exhale the past."
12. "Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it."
13. "Moving on, at first, is not easy, but as time passes, everything will be okay."
14. "Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you." - Ovid
15. "Look forward and keep moving, but stay truly in the present." - Sukan Sethi
16. "No more tears because I didn't lose you, you lost me."
17. "Move forward, because life doesn't wait."
Those are some explanations about what the meaning of moving on that you need to know.
Luka sembuh.Hatimu memperbaiki dirinya sendiri.Kebahagiaanmu akan selalu kembali."
3. "Terima, ubah, tinggalkan."
4. "Terimalah apa adanya, lepaskan apa yang ada, dan percayalah pada apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya."
5. "Kita harus rela melepaskan kehidupan yang telah kita rencanakan sehingga memiliki kehidupan yang menunggu kita." - Joseph Campbell
6. "Aku berjalan perlahan, tapi aku tidak pernah berjalan mundur." - Abraham Lincoln
7. "Kesabaran adalah kunci untuk mengatasi perpisahan.Itu dan menghentikan interaksimu setelah putus." - Drake
8. "Kamu mungkin tidak bisa mengatasinya, tetapi kamu akan melewatinya."
9. "Balas dendam terbaik adalah melanjutkan dan mengatasinya.Jangan memberi seseorang kepuasan melihatmu menderita."
10. "Tidak suka bab yang kamu alami?Tulis yang baru.Kamu adalah penulis hidupmu."
11. "Hirup masa depan, hembuskan masa lalu."
12. "Berhentilah mencari kebahagiaan di tempat yang sama kamu kehilangannya."
13. "Move on itu, awalnya terlihat mustahil, tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, semuanya akan baik-baik saja."
14. "Sabar dan tegar; suatu hari nanti rasa sakit ini akan berguna bagimu." - Ovid
15. "Lihatlah ke depan dan terus maju, tetapi tetaplah benar-benar di masa sekarang." - Sukan Sethi
16. "Tidak ada lagi air mata karena aku tidak kehilangan kamu, kamu yang kehilangan aku."
17. "Maju, karena hidup tidak menunggu."
Itulah beberapa penjelasan mengenai apa arti move on yang perlu kalian ketahui. Hopefully this can be a reference for you to let go of past events that have hurt you.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.