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The Meaning of An Naba Is Great News from Allah, Also Learn the Latin Reading and Its Meaning

The Meaning of An Naba Is Great News from Allah, Also Learn the Latin Reading and Its Meaning Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Every Muslim is encouraged to recite or read the holy verses of the Quran. This is because every verse of the Quran contains guidance on Allah's commands and prohibitions. The verses in Surah An Naba meaning the great news, for example. Therefore, we need to know the meaning and significance of this Surah.

An Naba means the great news. Compared to other Surahs that belong to Juz 30, Surah An Naba may not be understood by everyone in terms of its meaning and content. However, like other Surahs in the Quran, An Naba also contains profound meanings and has many virtues. What are they?

According to various sources, here is a review of the meaning of An Naba, the great news, along with its content and virtues.




1. Reading of Surah An Naba

In the Quran, Surah An Naba is the 78th surah and belongs to the 30th juz. In Juz 30, Surah An Naba means the great news and is the opening of the last juz in the Quran. Surah An Naba was revealed in the city of Mecca, making it classified as a Makkiyah surah.

The meaning of Surah An Naba is found in its 40th verse. Here are the recitation of the verses in Surah An Naba:

1. 'Amma Yatasaa-aluun

2. 'Anin-nabaa-il 'aziim

3.Allazi hum fiihi mukh talifuun

4.Kallaa sa y'alamuun

5.Thumma kallaa sa y'alamuun

6. Alam naj'alil arda mihaa da

7.Wal jibaala au taada

8.Wa khalaq naakum azwaaja

9.Waja'alnan naumakum subata

10.Waja'alnal laila libasa

11.Waja'alnan nahara ma 'aasha

12.Wa banaina fauqakum sab 'an shi daada

13. Waja'alna siraajaw wah haaja

14.Wa anzalna minal m'usiraati maa-an saj-jaaja

15.Linukh rija bihii habbaw wana baata

16.Wa jan naatin alfafa

17.Inna yaumal-fasli kana miqoota

18.Yauma yun fakhu fis-suuri fataa tuuna afwaaja

19.Wa futiha tis samaa-u fakaanat abwaaba

20. Wa suyyi raatil jibaalu fa kaanat saraaba

21.Inna jahan nama kaanat mirsaada

22.Lit taa ghiina ma aaba

23.Laa bithiina fiihaa ahqooba

24.Laa ya zuuquuna fiiha bar daw walaa sharaaba

25.Illa hamii maw-wa ghas saaqa

26.Jazaa-aw wi faaqa

27. Verily, they used not to look for a reckoning,

28.And they belied Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) completely.

29.And all things We have recorded in a Book.

30.So taste you (the results of your evil actions); no increase shall We give you, except in torment.

31.Verily, for the Muttaqun, there will be a success (Paradise);

32.Gardens and grapeyards;

33.And young full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age;

34. And a full cup (of wine).

35.No Laghw (dirty, false, evil talk) shall they hear therein, nor lying;

36.A reward from your Lord, an ample calculated gift (according to the best of their good deeds).

37.(From) the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and whatsoever is in between them, the Most Beneficent, none can dare to speak with Him (on the Day of Resurrection except after His Leave).

38.The Day that Ar-Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel) or another angel] and the angels will stand forth in rows, none shall speak except him whom the Most Beneficent (Allah) allows, and he will speak what is right.

39.That is without doubt the True Day. So, whosoever wills, let him seek a place with (or a way to) His Lord (by obeying Him in this worldly life)!

40. Verily, We have warned you of a near torment, the Day when man will see that (the deeds) which his hands have sent forth, and the disbeliever will say: "Woe to me! Would that I were dust!"




2. Meaning of An Naba

As mentioned earlier, An Naba means the great news that comes directly from Allah SWT. However, it is not just a big news, the Surah An Naba has a deeper meaning. To understand the meaning in Surah An Naba, we need to understand the meaning of each verse. Here is the meaning of each verse in Surah An Naba. 

1.About what are they asking one another?

2.About the great news (i.e. Islamic Monotheism, the Quran, which Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) brought and the Day of Resurrection, etc.),

3.That over which they are in disagreement.

4. No! In time they will come to know,

5. No! In time they will come to know.

6. Have We not made the earth a resting place,

7. and the mountains as stakes?

8. And We created you in pairs,

9. And We made your sleep for rest,

10. and We made the night as clothing,

11. and We made the day for seeking livelihood,

12. and We built above you seven strong (heavens),

13. and We made a shining lamp (sun),

14. and We send down from the clouds, pouring rain with force,

15. to grow thereby grain and plants,

16. And gardens of dense shrubbery.

17. Surely, the Day of Decision is a appointed time,

18. (the day) when the trumpet will be blown, and you will come forth in multitudes,

19. and the heaven will be opened and there will be gateways,

20. and the mountains will be moved and become a mirage.

21. Surely, Hell is a place of ambush,

22. a place of return for the rebellious,

23. where they will abide for ages,

24. They will not taste therein coolness or drink,

25. except scalding water and pus,

26. a fitting recompense.

27. Indeed, they did not expect an account,

28. and they denied Our signs with utter rejection.

29. And all things We have recorded in a book (registry of deeds).

30. So taste (the penalty), and never will We increase you except in torment. So We will not add anything to you except punishment.

31.Indeed, the righteous will be in a secure place,

32. [Within] gardens and springs,

33. Wearing [garments of] fine silk and brocade, facing each other.

34. Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.

35. They will call therein for every [kind of] fruit - safe and secure.

36. They will not taste death therein except the first death, and He will have protected them from the punishment of Hellfire.

37. As bounty from your Lord. That is what is the great attainment.

38. On the Day the Spirit [i.e., Gabriel] and the angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except for one whom the Most Merciful permits, and he will say what is correct.

39. That is the True [i.e., certain] Day; so he who wills may take to his Lord a [way of] return.

40. Indeed, We have warned you of a near punishment on the Day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth and the disbeliever will say, "Oh, I wish that I were dust!"




3. Virtues of Surah An Naba

Like other Surahs in the Quran, An Naba also has its own virtues. These virtues can be obtained by those who read and understand the meaning of Surah An Naba, the great news. Here are some of the virtues of Surah An Naba.

1. Will receive blessings on the Day of Judgment. As narrated by Sheikh Thabarsi, from Ubay bin Ka'ab in Majma' al-Bayan:

"Whoever recites the Surah 'amma yatasa'alun, Allah will give him a cool drink on the Day of Judgment."

2. Will have an easy journey to visit the Ka'bah. This is explained in a narration by Sheikh Shaduq ra that Imam Ja'far Shadiq:

"Whoever recites Surah 'Amma Yatasa'alun (An-naba) every day, he will not leave that year until he has visited the House of Allah, Mecca."

3. Will receive an extraordinary strength and ease during reckoning. This is as mentioned in a hadith:

"Whoever reads it (Surah An-naba) and memorizes it, then his reckoning on the Day of Judgment will only be about one Rak'ah of prayer. And whoever writes it and hangs it, then the lice cannot approach him, he also gains great strength and power." (Tsawabul A'mal, Juz 8: 193).

These are some of the explanations of the meaning of An Naba, the great news. Hopefully, it can be useful and increase our knowledge and faith as a Muslim. Amen.





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