Kapanlagi.com - There are many English words that have become popular and commonly used in daily life. Deadline is one of them. The term deadline is now no different from ordinary Indonesian words. This word is often used in everyday situations, especially related to tasks or work. So, what is the actual meaning of deadline?
The word deadline is indeed very popular. It is proven that this word is used by various groups, ranging from school children to office workers. Although it is already so popular and familiar, the fact is that many people are unfamiliar with the meaning of deadline. For some people who do not know, deadline is nothing more than a popular word in English that sounds cool.
However, like any other word, deadline certainly has its own meaning and significance. It is important to know the meaning of deadline in order to use this word correctly and appropriately. Compiled from various sources, here are the meaning of deadline and examples of its correct usage.
1. Meaning of Deadline

(credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, deadline is one of the words in English. In English, deadline is classified as a noun. According to the online dictionary.cambridge.org, the meaning of deadline is the time or day by which something must be done.
Based on the explanation of the meaning of deadline in English above, we can understand that if it is translated into Indonesian, the meaning of deadline is roughly a time limit. That is why the term deadline is more popular among students and workers. Because the word deadline is suitable for describing a time limit or deadline for completing or submitting a task or work.
2. Difference Between Deadline and Dateline

(credit: unsplash)
In everyday usage, people often confuse the use of the word deadline. The similarity in spelling and pronunciation between deadline and dateline often leads to confusion. However, it turns out that the meaning of deadline is different from dateline.
In the explanation of the meaning of deadline above, it has been mentioned that deadline is classified as a noun. Dateline is also classified in the same class. So, what is the difference between them? Deadline and dateline have similar meanings related to time. However, their meanings are significantly different.
The term dateline is specifically used in the field of journalism. According to the online dictionary.cambridge.org, the meaning of dateline is the line in a newspaper article that states the place and date of writing. That means dateline is one of the elements or parts of journalistic products, which indicates the place and date of a news report.
3. Tips Facing Deadlines

(credit: unsplash)
Almost everyone has faced a deadline. The situation of being pressed for a deadline is not easy. Deadlines often become their own pressure that ultimately disrupts concentration. It's no wonder that when approaching a deadline, work often feels twice as heavy. Therefore, besides understanding the importance of deadlines, it is also important to know tips for facing deadlines.
If you are someone who often faces deadlines, here are some tips that may help.
1. Plan Ahead
One tip for facing deadlines is to plan as best as possible. A well-planned plan will make you clear in determining your steps. By doing so, work will be more directed, efficient, and effective.
2. Take Breaks
Often, someone who is chased by deadlines forgets the importance of taking breaks. They will continue to strive as hard as possible to finish their work quickly. However, rest remains an important part of work. Because rest is a moment to recharge and refresh tired minds.
3. Dare to Say No
What often happens is that someone is chased by a deadline because of piled up work. Yes, especially for people who cannot multitask and work on more than one task at a time, it will certainly be a heavy burden. Therefore, to avoid accumulation of tasks or work nearing the deadline, do not hesitate to refuse additional work.
4. Do Not Procrastinate
The meaning of a deadline is closely related to time. Therefore, as much as possible, do not procrastinate. Complete each task according to the given time. Procrastinating will only make unfinished work continue to pile up. In the end, all the accumulated work will feel increasingly heavy.
5. Stay Focused
When facing a deadline, the most important thing to do is to stay focused. You must be able to stay focused on the work and ignore various distractions. When faced with a pile of deadlines, stay focused on one task, complete it before moving on to the next task.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of a deadline and its differences from a dateline. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.