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The Meaning of Shahada is the Testimony of Allah and the Prophet, Also Know Its Virtues

The Meaning of Shahada is the Testimony of Allah and the Prophet, Also Know Its Virtues Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - As Muslims, you must know that Shahada is the first pillar of Islam. Muslims are obligated to believe in Shahada along with the other four pillars. The meaning of Shahada is the testimony of a Muslim towards Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Based on its sentence, the meaning of Shahada is "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger". This testimony is an important matter related to the oneness of God and true faith.

In order to obtain its virtues in daily life, understanding the meaning of Shahada is essential. Therefore, you can read the explanation about Shahada along with its meaning and consequences in the following information.


1. The Meaning of Shahada

The shahada (testimony of faith) is: "Asyhaduan Laa Ilaaha ill Allah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammad Rasulullah"

Based on the above statement, the meaning of shahada is "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".

As mentioned above, reciting the shahada is the first pillar of Islam that must be fulfilled by Muslims. Shahada holds an important position in Islam. This is stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as follows:

"Islam is built on five pillars. Uttering the two testimonies of faith, performing the five daily prayers, paying zakat, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and performing the pilgrimage to the holy land." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

The shahada is also recited during prayer. Therefore, Muslims will recite it multiple times every day. If you want to know more about the shahada, please continue reading the following explanation.

2. Meaning and Consequences of the Shahada

Before delving into the explanation of its virtues, the meaning and significance of the Shahada is an important thing to learn first. According to Brilio's page, here is information about it along with the consequences that must be adhered to.

1. Affirming everything that Prophet Muhammad proclaimed, without any doubt.

2. Carrying out every command of Allah and Prophet Muhammad, without rejecting it at all.

3. Not prioritizing human words over the words of Prophet Muhammad and the words of Allah.

4. Abandoning every matter that is forbidden by Allah and Prophet Muhammad, without opposing it at all.

5. Not introducing innovations in religion that are not taught in terms of faith, words, and actions by Prophet Muhammad. Every person who commits bid'ah means they do not realize the testimony of Muhammad Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam correctly because they still add new teachings and also means they do not have manners towards Prophet Muhammad.

6. Respecting the words of Prophet Muhammad. For example, it is not allowed to spread false hadiths and fabricate them with certain intentions.

7. Not believing that the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam has the ability of rububiyah or has the ability like what Allah does, which is creating, providing sustenance, and granting prayers. Prophet Muhammad SAW is only a servant and messenger of Allah. But He is a messenger of Allah who should not be insulted.


3. Virtues of the Shahada

In addition to the explanations above, the testimony of faith also has meanings and virtues that must be truly understood. You can read them in the following information.

1. Guarantee of Entering Paradise

The Prophet SAW said:

"Whoever's last words before death are laa ilaaha illallah, then he will enter Paradise." (HR.Abu Daud)

Therefore, Muslims must believe that reciting the testimony of faith can lead them to enter Paradise.

2. Becoming the Eight Keys to Paradise

The virtue of the testimony of faith is Allah's promise to enter it into Paradise through any of the eight doors that He wishes.

3. The Greatest Goodness

The virtue of the testimony of faith can be known by listening to a story of Abu Dzar who asked about deeds that can keep him away from hellfire as follows.

Abu Dzar once asked Rasulullah: "Tell me, O Rasulullah, teach me a deed that can keep me away from hellfire."

Then, Prophet Muhammad said, "If you commit a wrongdoing (sin), then do a good deed because by doing a good deed, you will get ten similar rewards."

Then Abu Dzar said, "O Rasulullah, is the phrase laa ilaaha illallah a good deed?" Rasulullah said, "That phrase is the greatest goodness. That sentence can erase various sins and mistakes."

4. Cultivating the Nature of Surrender

Surrender is submitting oneself and believing wholeheartedly in Allah SWT. Humans certainly must have that nature. By reciting the Shahada, you can cultivate that nature.

By doing so, the soul will be calm because it has surrendered completely to Allah SWT. In addition, it will not be confused in facing various obstacles.

Well, that is an explanation about the Shahada that you need to know. The meaning of the Shahada is something that needs to be understood in order to apply and achieve its virtues in everyday life.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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