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The Meaning of Allahu Akbar is Allah is the Greatest, Know Its Virtue in Both the World and the Hereafter

The Meaning of Allahu Akbar is Allah is the Greatest, Know Its Virtue in Both the World and the Hereafter Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Takbiran or takbir is the term for the Arabic phrase Allahu Akbar which means Allah is the Greatest. And this call is proclaimed by Muslims to glorify the name of Allah SWT. The meaning of Allahu Akbar is Allah is the Greatest, and this becomes an expression that has many benefits both for the world and the hereafter.

The phrase Allahu Akbar is called takbir, which is a phrase that magnifies Allah SWT. The Maha Besar or Akbar is also included in the 99 Asmaul Husna with the name Al-Kabir. In uttering the phrase Allahu Akbar, a Muslim must believe it wholeheartedly. In order to obtain the benefits for both life in this world and the hereafter.

Now, for KLovers who want to understand the meaning of Allahu Akbar, here is the meaning of Allahu Akbar along with its benefits for both the world and the hereafter.

1. Meaning of Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar means Allah is the Greatest. This phrase is called takbir, which is a phrase that magnifies Allah SWT. The Greatest or Akbar is also included in the 99 Asmaul Husna with the name Al-Kabir. By reciting the phrase Allahu Akbar, it means that we have respected and glorified Allah SWT.

The word Akbar means 'greater' which means that Allah is greater than everything. So the meaning of Allahu Akbar is that Allah is the Greatest in everything that exists on earth and in the sky. In uttering the phrase Allahu Akbar, a Muslim must believe wholeheartedly.

The phrase Allahu Akbar is not only expressed as a phrase to provide strength, but Allahu Akbar is also recited during remembrance with the phrases of tasbih and tahmid. Muslims are highly recommended to recite the phrase Allahu Akbar, as it has many virtues.


2. When Should We Perform Takbir?

Yes, as KLovers know, the meaning of Allahu Akbar is Allah is the Greatest. This phrase is often uttered as takbir and is frequently performed during Hari Raya (Eid). The meaning of Allahu Akbar can be a praise offered by humans to their Lord. Therefore, the phrase Takbir is not only performed during Hari Raya, but can also be done daily.

This is because the utterance of the phrase takbir Allahu Akbar is one of the daily remembrance (dzikir) that we can recite. Just like other remembrances such as tasbih, tahmid, or tahlil. From Samurah bin Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

"The most beloved words to Allah are four: Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa ilaaha illallah, and Allahu akbar. You can start with any of these words, it doesn't matter." - HR. Muslim 2137.

This means that we can recite these words anytime and anywhere, because they are the most beloved words to Allah. Therefore, it is incorrect and there is no hadith stating that takbir should only be recited on Hari Raya.


3. The Virtue of Reciting Allahu Akbar

Not only knowing the meaning of Allahu Akbar, KLovers also need to know the virtues of reciting this Takbir sentence. And here are the virtues of reciting the Takbir sentence:

1. Given piety, endurance, and patience in facing any adversity given by Allah SWT in any form.

2. Can bring many rewards, blessings, and unexpected sustenance from Allah.

3. Prevents visible and invisible evils, because the Takbir phrase contains powerful assistance against evil traits of humans or supernatural beings.

4. Strengthens faith and piety towards Allah SWT and His last messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

5. Can make the heart aware of the importance of Allah's assistance. Stronger and not believing in a power greater than the power possessed by Allah SWT.

6. To obtain peace of mind and avoid negative feelings that can lead to slander and sin.

7. Strengthen the sense of brotherhood with other Muslims even if they recite phrases to glorify Allah SWT differently, for example by saying "Laa illa hail allahu".

8. Obtain love from Allah SWT and receive all blessings and mercy from all directions and winds.

9. Always receive goodness from Allah SWT and from everything on earth, including animals, plants, or nature.

10. To receive guidance in the form of ease in facing the agony of death and to be given a beautiful face in the hereafter.

11. Strengthen the belief and love for the Power, strength, and perfection that exists in Allah SWT.

12. To protect the soul and body from evil and sinful acts.

13. Open the doors of ease from Allah SWT for sustenance and always remain on the path of goodness and truth.

14. Obtain the fastest and easiest solutions from Allah SWT when faced with problems or things that make our hearts sad.

15. To calm and control the anger of the red rooster or fire attacks in a raging and growing fire disaster.

That is the meaning of Allahu Akbar that KLovers can know and understand. Not only the meaning of Allahu Akbar, but you can also know the benefits of Takbir.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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