Kapanlagi.com - Some time ago, precisely in 2019, the word tuman was everywhere. Yes, this word is widely used as a meme in Indonesia. Even become a popular language and widely used until now. However, what is the actual meaning of tuman?
Yes, the word tuman itself is not a strange word for KLovers anymore. For the people of Indonesia in several regions, this word is used as an everyday word. However, it has become popular and often used in a funny meme.
In addition to knowing the meaning of tuman, KLovers can also learn other slang languages often used by young people in Indonesia. Let's find out the explanation of the meaning of tuman.
1. Understanding Tuman

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As previously explained, the word tuman became popular after being used in a meme in 2019. But do KLovers know the meaning of tuman? Yes, tuman is actually a regional language, KLovers.
This word is a Javanese-Sundanese regional language. So, it's not surprising that the word tuman is not a strange word. This word is often used in daily conversations for Javanese and Sundanese people. But, what is the meaning of tuman? Yes, the meaning of tuman is a habit.
This word is used for a habit that is often done. For example, "don't ask for help too often, it will become a habit (tuman)" and many more. This word tuman is also mostly used for negative contexts.
Or it can be said as an expression of negative habits. However, not all of them are negative, KLovers. So, it's not surprising that the meaning of tuman is often used in memes for expressing negative things but in a funny way.
2. Indonesian Slang Language

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Not only tuman, but there are also many popular slang languages that can be used in daily conversations. And here are some of the Indonesian slang languages along with their meanings:
1. Ambyar: This word means destroyed taken from the Javanese language.
2. Anjir: This word is usually used to show the feeling when seeing or hearing something "wow" or surprising.
3. Ababil: This word is an abbreviation of ABG labil. Used to refer to someone's condition who is still labile or childish.
4. Ajib: This word is almost similar to the words 'enak', 'asyik', 'seru', and so on.
5.Alay: This word is an abbreviation of 'anak layangan', which means tacky, excessive, and hyperbole.
6.Bucin: This word is an abbreviation of 'Budak Cinta' which describes the condition when someone is crazy in love.
7.Badai: This word means solid, cool, extraordinary, and so on.
8.Baper: This word is an abbreviation of 'bawa perasaan'.
9.Bapuk: This word means to describe something that is damaged or ugly.
10. BT/Bete: This word is an abbreviation of Boring Total or totally boring.
11.Komuk: This word is a slang term for 'Muka' or face.
12.Lebay: This word means excessive, similar to 'alay'.
13.Lol: This word is an acronym in English for 'Laugh Out Loud' which means laughing out loud.
14.Mantul: This word is an abbreviation of 'Mantap Betul'.
15.Mager: This slang word is an abbreviation of 'Malas Gerak' or lazy to move.
16.Monmaap: This word is the same as 'mohon maaf' but feels closer and more familiar.
17. Modus: This word means 'Modal Dusta' or lying mode, and is usually used to describe someone with hidden intentions.
18.Meneketehe: This word is a play on words from 'Mana Ku Tahu' or how would I know.
19.Ngab: This word is the opposite of 'Bang' and is usually used for men.
20.Ntaps: This word is a play on words from 'mantap'.
21.Edun: This word is a play on words from 'edan' or crazy.
22.Generasi Micin: This word describes the behavior of today's young generation that is excessive.
23.Gabut: This word is an abbreviation of 'gaji buta' or blind salary, but is usually used when you are not doing anything.
24. Goks: This word is a slang term for 'Gokil', usually used to express surprise.
25.Garing: This word means that something is not funny.
26.Gans: This word is a slang term for 'ganteng' (handsome).
27.Gils: This word is a slang term for 'Gila' (crazy).
28.Gemay: This word is a slang term for 'gemas' (cute).
29.Gaje: This word is an abbreviation for 'Gak Jelas' (unclear).
30.Gelay: This word means 'geli' (ticklish).
31. Bokek: This word means being broke.
32.Bro/Bray: This word is an abbreviation for 'brother', usually used to call a close friend.
33.Bad Mood: This word is taken from the English term for when someone is not feeling well.
34.Curcol: This word is an abbreviation for 'Curhat Colongan' (venting).
35.Cans: This word comes from the slang term for 'cantik' (beautiful).
36.Caper: These words are an abbreviation for 'Mencari Perhatian' (seeking attention).
37.Ciyus Miyapah: These words mean 'serious for what' but using more casual language.
38. Cabe-Cabean: These words are a term for young people (usually girls) who ride motorcycles together or dress in an exaggerated and strange way.
39.Damat: These words are an abbreviation for 'bodo amat' (don't care).
40.GWS: This word is an abbreviation of the English phrase 'Get Well Soon'.
Those are the meanings of some slang words that KLovers can learn and understand. Not only knowing the meaning of these slang words, but also other popular and frequently used slang in Indonesia by young people.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.