Kapanlagi.com - Timun Mas Drama is adapted from a popular folklore in Indonesia. Not only performed in the form of drama, the story of Timun Mas has also been featured in films and animations.
Timun Mas Drama is a folklore from Central Java. However, this legendary story is very popular in Indonesia. Folklore itself contains many moral values that can be used for introspection and motivation. Several regions have their own folktales or legends.
Meanwhile, Timun Mas Drama has several versions, some of which tell the story of a couple of farmers who really want a child. Or an elderly widow who wants a child. However, the main story focuses on a child who comes from inside a cucumber, a gift from a giant. If you are interested in the script of Timun Mas Drama, check out the review below about the example of Timun Mas Drama and the moral messages contained in it.
1. Understanding Folklore Drama

(credit: pixabay.com)
Folklore drama is a drama that is based on legends or folk stories. Yes, the meaning of folklore drama comes from popular stories that develop in society. Each region has its own folk stories which usually depict the area.
Folk stories themselves are stories that have been passed down from generation to generation in society since ancient times. According to Hasim Awang, folk stories are defined as stories that tell about struggles, romance, and others in the past. From these folk stories, valuable messages and lessons can be learned for future generations.
There are several types of folk stories, consisting of myths, legends, and fairy tales. Meanwhile, among the characteristics of folk stories are told orally, passed down from generation to generation, do not know the origin of the maker, contain noble values of society, traditional in nature, have many versions, and are cliché in form. That is the understanding of folklore drama that needs to be known.
2. Example of Timun Mas Drama Script

(credit: pexels.com)
Meanwhile, the Timun Mas drama is one of the most popular folklore stories in Indonesia. This drama is often performed in theatrical shows or packaged in the form of films or animations. An example of the Timun Mas drama script can be found below as reported by duniapendidikan.co.id.
Synopsis of the Timun Mas Drama
One day in a remote village, there lived an old widow named Mbok Yem who lived alone. She then met a giant who gave her a golden cucumber seed. The giant asked Mbok Yem to take care of the seed and in return, he would grant her any wish. She then asked for a child to accompany her in her old age. However, the giant made a deal with Mbok Yem to give up the child when he reached the age of 17.
Timun Mas Drama Dialogue
One day, Mbok Yem was looking for firewood in the forest. Suddenly, a terrifying giant appeared and gave her something.
Giant: "Hey old woman? Don't be afraid, I won't eat you because your flesh is tough and tasteless. I want to give you something."
Mbok Yem was silent and stared at the giant in fear.
Giant: "Plant this seed and take good care of it, and you will get everything you want. But remember, don't enjoy it alone. As a sign of gratitude, give something to me too."
Mbok Yem: (Nodding while accepting it)
Mbok Yem then returned to her house and planted the seed as instructed by the giant. Suddenly, the seed grew into a golden cucumber plant of a large size. The sound of a baby was heard from the giant cucumber fruit.
Mbok Yem: "So this is what the giant meant." A beautiful baby girl emerged from a cucumber.
Mbok Yem named her Timun Mas and met the giant again.
Mbok Yem: "I have planted the seeds you gave me, giant."
Giant: "You have obtained what you have been wanting for so long. As promised, you must share it with me."
Mbok Yem: "How do I share the baby girl?"
Giant: "No need to be confused, old woman. Raise the baby until she is 17 years old. Then give her to me and I will make her my food."
Mbok Yem felt confused because she wanted the child to be her companion. But, to keep her promise, Mbok Yem agreed.
Mbok Yem: "Alright, giant. I will take care of her and consider her my own child until she is 17 years old."
17 years passed, Timun Mas grew up to be a beautiful and charming girl. And Mbok Yem was worried about her promise to the giant.
Timun Mas: "What is that sound?"
Mbok Yem: "Timun Mas, hide in the room."
The sound of the giant's footsteps grew closer.
Giant: "Hey, old woman! Where is the daughter you promised me?"
Mbok Yem: "She is bathing in the river, sir Giant. Her body smells, you won't like to eat her."
Giant: "Alright, I will come back in a week. Make sure she is ready for me to take to the forest."
Mbok Yem: "Of course, sir. I won't disappoint you."
A week passed, and Mbok Yem tried to hide Timun Mas.
Mbok Yem: "Hide in this empty water jar in the kitchen. Don't let the giant see you, my child."
Timun Mas: "Yes, Mbok."
Giant: "Hey, old woman, I am here to collect what you promised me! Quickly hand over the child!"
Mbok Yem: "I'm sorry, sir Giant. Timun Mas is selling wood in the village." Where is the daughter you promised me, Mbok Yem?"
Mbok Yem: "She's bathing in the river, Tuan Raksasa. Her body smells bad, you won't like to eat her."
Raksasa: "Alright, I'll come back in a week. Make sure she's ready for me to take to the forest."
Mbok Yem: "Of course, sir. I won't disappoint you."
A week passed, and Mbok Yem tried to hide Timun Mas.
Mbok Yem: "Hide in this empty water container in the kitchen. Don't let Raksasa see you, my child."
Timun Mas: "Yes, Mbok."
Raksasa: "Hey, old woman, I demand what you promised! Quickly give me the child."
Mbok Yem: "I'm sorry, Tuan Raksasa. Timun Mas is selling firewood in the village." If you come earlier, you will definitely meet him."
Giant: "Alright, I'll give you one more week. If you don't hand over the child, I will destroy your house."
After the giant left, Mbok Yem became restless and couldn't bear to lose Timun Mas.
Timun Mas: "Mbok, don't be sad. Let me be the giant's meal."
Mbok Yem: "No, dear. I won't allow you to become the meal of that evil giant. I will do anything to save you."
To protect her child, Mbok Yem met with a powerful grandfather and was given a talisman in the form of a cucumber seed, thorns, salt, and a piece of shrimp paste.
Mbok Yem: "I don't know what else to do. Please help me fight against the giant to protect my daughter."
Powerful grandfather: "Take this, give it to your children and throw it to fight against the giant."
Mbok Yem: "Alright, I will give this to Timun Mas."
Mbok Yem went home and was confronted by an angry giant.
Giant: "Quickly hand over your child or I will destroy your house and you too! I'm already hungry!"
Mbok Yem: "I'm sorry, sir giant. My child has gone to the forest. Go back to your dwelling in the forest. Timun Mas is already there."
Timun Mas then left the house through the back door and followed her mother's command to scatter the cucumber seeds.
Timun Mas: "Eat this, Giant."
Giant: "Hey, kid, don't run away."
Timun Mas: "I don't want to be your meal."
Giant: "Watch out, I'll catch you and eat you."
Timun Mas threw thorns that turned into a bamboo forest. The thorns hindered the giant's path.
Giant: "What is this? Watch out, if I catch you, I'll eat you right away."
Timun Mas: "No, I won't! Catch me first and get past that obstacle, giant."
Timun Mas then threw salt, which instantly turned into a sea. The giant had to swim to chase her.
Giant: "What is this? Why did it turn into a sea?"
Timun Mas tried to run away from the giant and threw her last weapon, which was a sticky mud.
Giant: "I'm tired, but you can't escape my grasp, kid!"
The giant was instantly sucked into the mud and disappeared without a trace.
Timun Mas: "Mbok, I did it. The giant is gone. We can live peacefully here, Mbok."
Mbok Yem: "Thank goodness you're safe, my child. Thank you for being strong and fighting against the giant."
Mbok Yem and Timun Mas finally lived together happily in the forest. Then Timun Mas met a handsome man who proposed to her. She invited Mbok Yem and Timun Mas to live in his luxurious house.
3. Moral Message of Timun Mas Drama

(credit: pexels.com)
After knowing the example of Timun Mas drama script, there are several moral messages in this folk story. One of them is about the meaning of the power of prayer shown by Mbok Yem when facing a lonely life until a child she really wanted came. At that time, she prayed for a child to accompany the rest of her life.
In addition, there is a meaning of patience shown by Mbok Yem and Timun Mas when facing the giant. Until finally, the fruit of patience ended sweetly when both managed to fight the giant until tired. And the meaning of keeping promises can be seen from the agreement between the Giant and Mbok Yem. There is also a willingness to sacrifice when Timun Mas willingly surrendered herself to fulfill her mother's promise to the giant but fought against him.
That is an example of Timun Mas drama that can be used as a reference. In addition, this Timun Mas drama also contains moral values that can be used as positive inspiration.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.