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UB Malang Provides Phone Credit Subsidies for Less Fortunate Students

UB Malang Provides Phone Credit Subsidies for Less Fortunate Students - Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang provides subsidies in the form of Rp. 100,000 phone credit to its students who are considered less fortunate. The subsidy is intended to support the online learning process.

UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani A R., M. S., said that the subsidy is intended for approximately 12,000 less fortunate students. The campus will validate the data before distributing the phone credit funds.

"The first step we take is to check the number of less fortunate students. Based on the data I have, there are about 12,000 less fortunate students. However, the subsidy is not directly given in the form of money because that would violate accountability rules," said Nuhfil, on Thursday (30/4).


1. Collaboration with Providers

Nuhfil added, they collaborated with several providers to top up the mobile phone numbers of students. The operator will conduct transactions based on the active student numbers.

"Today we collaborated with three providers. We handed over the student numbers to the provider. Then the students just need to choose which number to use," he said.

2. Providing Basic Needs

Previously, UB also collaborated with providers to provide 30 Gigabytes of quota for students and lecturers to support online learning.

In addition to providing assistance in the form of credit, UB also provides assistance to students in Malang in the form of basic needs or free food distribution for those living in dormitories.

"I hope the student organization can collaborate with WR III and for the lecturers to make the most of online learning, such as limiting videos and implementing exam schedules for students," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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