Kapanlagi.com - Sabi has become one of the popular slang terms among young people today. It is proven that the word sabi is often used in daily conversations among young people. Not only young people, but recently sabi has also been commonly used by children and some adults. The term sabi has become even more popular after being frequently used on social media. But actually, what is the meaning of sabi?
Although it is a popular word, the term sabi feels unfamiliar to some people, especially those who are not active on social media. It is important to know the meanings of slang words like sabi and others. Besides not being left behind, this is also useful to avoid misunderstandings. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, sabi has now become a common term used in everyday life.
Summarized from various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of sabi and some other slang words that you need to know.
1. Meaning of Sabi and Its Formation

(credit: unsplash)
In practice, the word 'sabi' is commonly used as a replacement for the word 'bisa' (can). In other words, the general meaning of 'sabi' is 'can'. The word 'sabi' is formed by reversing the syllables of the word 'bisa' in its writing or pronunciation. Thus, the word 'bisa' which originally consists of the syllables 'bi-sa' becomes 'sa-bi'.
In the conversations of today's young people, the meaning of 'sabi' is the same as the meaning of 'bisa'. However, in its usage, the word 'sabi' is commonly used as a fragment of a word only. 'Sabi' is almost never used in a complete sentence. So, 'sabi' often appears in the form of an exclamation or a short answer in a conversation.
Now, to understand the meaning of 'sabi', pay attention to the example of its usage in the following conversation.
A: I'm going to Malang next week, how about you, will you come?
B: Sabi, I guess.
2. Other Slang Words Besides Sabi

(credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, the meaning of 'sabi' is formed by reversing the syllables of the word 'bisa'. Besides the word 'sabi', there are actually several other slang terms formed from the process of writing that is reversed, both per syllable and per letter. What are these slang words? Here are some lists of slang words formed from reversed vocabulary, besides 'sabi'.
1) Takis: sikat
2) Ngab: Bang
3) Woles: Selow or Santai
4) Tubir: Ribut
5) Kuy: Yuk
6) Skuy: Yuks
3. Slang Words in the Form of Two-word Combinations

(credit: unsplash)
In addition to words that are read backwards, some slang terms are also formed from a pattern of combining two words. Knowing the meaning of these slang words formed from the combination of two words is equally important as understanding the meaning of 'sabi'. Here are some slang words formed from the combination of two words.
1) Bucin: Bucin is an abbreviation of the term 'budak cinta' (love slave).
2) Gaje: Gaje is an abbreviation of 'gak jelas' or 'enggak jelas' (unclear).
3) Gercep: It is an abbreviation of 'gerakan cepat' (quick movement). This abbreviation is a recommendation to do something faster than usual.
4) Japri: Japri is defined as 'jalur pribadi' (private channel) or 'jaringan pribadi' (private network).
5) Komuk: It is a slang abbreviation referring to facial condition.
6) Mager: Mager is a slang abbreviation of the phrase 'malas gerak' (lazy to move).
7) Mantul: This word is a slang abbreviation of the phrase 'mantap betul' (very solid).
8) Pansos: Pansos is a slang abbreviation and it stands for 'panjat sosial' (social climbing).
4. Cut-off Words Slang

(credit: unsplash)
Other slang terms can also be formed from words in the Indonesian language that are cut off in pronunciation. So it sounds shorter, distinctive, and unique. Here are some slang words that are words in the Indonesian language that are cut off in pronunciation.
1) Cans: Cantik (beautiful)
2) Gils: Gila (crazy)
3) Goks: Gokil (crazy)
4) Gans: Ganteng (handsome)
5) Halu: Halusinasi (hallucination)
6) Ntaps: Mantap (great)
7) Leh uga: Boleh juga (can also)
5. Slang Words Derived from English Abbreviations

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Not only originally from the Indonesian language like the meaning of sabi, some popular slang words are also derived from the English language. In fact, these words are commonly used in daily life in various situations, just like native words in the Indonesian language. Here are some slang words derived from English abbreviations.
1) Anw: abbreviation of Anyway, meaning by the way.
2) AKA: abbreviation of As Known As, meaning also known as or alias.
3) BTW: A popular slang abbreviation that is often used. BTW stands for By The Way. The slang term BTW has the same meaning as the term 'by the way'.
4) CMIIW: is a slang abbreviation in English that is often used on social media platforms. The full form of this word is Correct Me If I'm Wrong, which in Indonesian means 'correct me if I'm wrong'.
5) FYI: Is a slang abbreviation in English that stands for For Your Information. This word is commonly used on social media to provide additional information.
6) Kepo: An acronym for the phrase Knowing Every Particular Object, which means or refers to someone who is curious about everything.
7) OOTD: Is an abbreviation of Outfit of The Day. This word is commonly used in social media captions for full-body photos explaining today's outfit combination.
8) OTW: This word is a slang abbreviation of the phrase On The Way, which means currently on the road or journey.
9) PAP: PAP is a slang abbreviation that stands for Post a Picture.
10) TGIF: an abbreviation of Thanks God it's Friday, meaning excitement towards the weekend.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of 'sabi' which turns out to be the same as the word 'bisa'. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase knowledge.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.