Kapanlagi.com - Daring has become a quite popular term lately. The term daring has become increasingly popular during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The word daring appears, as in the mention of the term "daring school". Yes, in general, the meaning of daring is understood as an abbreviation for "in network", or in English equivalent to the term "online".
Although it is currently a popular word, in fact, many people do not know the meaning of daring. However, the term daring has actually existed for a long time, even long before the pandemic occurred. In addition to daring, there is also the term luring which is the opposite of daring.
Besides the meanings of daring and luring, there are still other popular words that are important to know the meaning of, in order to keep up with the times and avoid misunderstandings. Summarized from various sources, here is an explanation about the meaning of daring and other popular words.
1. Online Meaning

(credit: unsplash)
Online has indeed been a term that has been around for a long time. However, before the pandemic, the use of the term online was still rare. People more often used the term online instead of daring. However, the meaning of daring and online is the same. Both can be used to refer to activities carried out by utilizing computer and telecommunication networks.
In the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of daring is an acronym or abbreviation for "within the network". Furthermore, in the KBBI it is also mentioned that the network referred to in this context is computer networks, the internet, and so on. Therefore, daring and online have the same meaning and significance, which is activities carried out by utilizing computer and telecommunication networks.
2. Difference between Daring and Luring

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Not far different from the term daring, the term luring has also been around for a long time but is rarely used. Luring is the opposite of daring. Luring is formed from the words "luar" (outside) and "jaringan" (network). In the KBBI, the meaning of luring is the opposite of the meaning of daring. According to the KBBI, luring means outside the network and disconnected from computer and internet networks.
In the current situation, the term daring is closely associated with long-distance meetings such as schools or meetings, by utilizing computer and internet networks. Daring learning is carried out by conducting virtual classes. Through the help of applications like Google Meet and Zoom. Meanwhile, luring is synonymous with face-to-face activities conducted directly.
3. Understanding Online Communication

(credit: unsplash)
The meaning of 'daring' is online. This term is used to describe activities that are done using computer and internet networks. Before online learning became prevalent, the term 'daring' was more commonly used in the field of communication.
As reported by liputan6.com, communication generally occurs in two realms, namely computer and telecommunications. Therefore, the process of communication exchange is then done online. That's why the term 'daring communication' emerged.
4. Meaning of Other Popular Words

(credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, in addition to the meaning of online and offline, there are several popular words or terms that we also need to know the meaning of. The goal is not only to keep up with the times, but also to avoid hindering the communication process. Here are some popular words that need to be known at this time.
1) Baper: This word is an abbreviation of 'bawa perasaan' (bring feelings).
2) Bucin: This word is an abbreviation of 'Budak Cinta' (Love Slave). It describes the condition when someone is crazy in love.
3) Caper: This word is an abbreviation of 'Mencari Perhatian' (Seeking Attention).
4) Curcol: This word is an abbreviation of 'Curhat Colongan' (Secretly Sharing Problems).
5) Damat: This word is an abbreviation of 'bodo amat' (don't care at all).
6) FYI: For Your Information, commonly used when providing new information.
7) Gaje: This word is an abbreviation of 'Gak Jelas' (Not Clear).
8) GWS: This word is an abbreviation in English, 'Get Well Soon', meaning hope you recover soon.
9) Halu: This word is an abbreviation of halusinasi (hallucination).
10) Japri: This word means 'Jalur Pribadi' (Private Line) or 'Jaringan Pribadi' (Private Network).
11) Kuper: This word is an abbreviation of 'Kurang Pergaulan' (Lack of Social Skills).
12) Komuk: This word is a slang term for 'Kondisi Muka' (Face Condition).
13) Lol: This word is an acronym in English for 'Laugh Out Loud' or means laughing out loud.
14) Mager: This slang word is an abbreviation of 'Malas Gerak' (Lazy to Move).
15) Mantul: This word is an abbreviation of 'Mantap Betul' (Very Solid).
16) Modus: This word means 'Modal Dusta' (Lies Capital), usually used to express someone's hidden intentions.
17) OMG: This word is an acronym in English, 'Oh My God', meaning Oh God.
18) OTW: This word is an acronym in English, 'On The Way', meaning on the way.
19) Pansos: This word is a slang term, an abbreviation of 'Panjat Sosial' (Social Climbing).
20) PHP: This word is an abbreviation of the phrase 'pemberi harapan palsu' (false hope giver).
21) Savage: This word is used when there is a moment that astonishes, especially a moment of revenge.
22) Typo: This word means when you make a typing mistake.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of online, offline, and some other popular words. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase knowledge!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.