Kapanlagi.com - VCS has become one of the many abbreviations or terms that have become quite popular recently. Currently, we can easily find the term VCS in various social media. The term is often used as a hashtag or tag for posts with adult nuances. So, what is the actual meaning of VCS?
Although it is now a term that is frequently used in social media, in fact, VCS remains a foreign term for some people. It is important to know the actual meaning of VCS. Apart from not being left behind, of course, it is to avoid misunderstanding. Moreover, VCS generally has a negative impression and is closely related to pornographic things.
To find out more about the actual meaning of VCS, see the following review that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. What is the meaning of VCS

(credit: unsplash)
To know the meaning of VCS, first you need to understand that VCS stands for Video Call Sex. As the name suggests, when doing VCS, someone will communicate with another person involving sexual messages. For example, sending videos or pictures of genitalia and so on.
Therefore, it has been mentioned earlier that VCS has a negative meaning and is closely associated with pornographic activities. VCS is commonly found on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, and others. The term VCS is often used as a hashtag to indicate online prostitution transactions. By using hashtags or the word VCS, someone tries to attract customers.
2. VCS Transactions According to the Law

(credit: unsplash)
As something related to pornography, VCS is actually prohibited. From a legal perspective, VCS perpetrators can be charged under several laws, such as the pornography law and the ITE law.
1) VCS Transactions According to the Pornography Law
For example, in Law Number 44 Year 2008, article 4 paragraph 1 regarding Pornography, which roughly explains the prohibition for anyone to produce, create, duplicate, distribute, broadcast, import, export, offer, trade, rent, or provide explicit pornography.
More specifically, explicit pornography includes:
a. Sexual intercourse, including deviant sexual intercourse;
b. Sexual violence;
c. Masturbation or self-pleasure;
d. Nudity or suggestive display of nudity;
e. Genitalia; or
f. Child pornography.
2) VCS Transactions According to the ITE Law
Meanwhile, VCS transactions can also ensnare someone in Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE), especially in Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law 19/2016 which contains the phrase "violating morality", while VCS can be included in it. The article reads as follows:
"Any person who intentionally and without right distributes and/or transmits and/or makes accessible Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents that have content that violates morality as referred to in Article 27 paragraph (1) is punishable by imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years and/or a fine of up to Rp1 billion."
3. Negative Impact of VCS

(credit: unsplash)
VCS not only carries legal consequences. For the perpetrator, VCS can also have a negative impact on psychological or mental health. This is because VCS can make someone become addicted to sex. Furthermore, this can result in various disorders and symptoms such as feeling restless, stressed due to difficulty in self-control, depression, becoming more temperamental, and so on.
4. Other Popular Abbreviations with Negative Meanings

(credit: unsplash)
Knowing the meaning of VCS is not the only thing you need to know. Besides VCS, there are still various popular abbreviations with negative meanings on social media. Therefore, you need to know them to avoid falling into misunderstandings. Here are some popular abbreviations with negative meanings on social media.
1) CS: Chat Sex
2) CI: Check In
3) CIM: Cum In Mouth
4) DC: Damage Cost
5) EKSE: Execution
6) FJ: F*ck Job
7) GRO/GM: Guest Relation Officer
8) HJ: Hand Job
9) ML: Making Love
10) Open BO: Opening booking out in online prostitution activities.
11) PS: Phone Sex
12) RO: Repeat Order
13) TO: Target operation in online prostitution activities.
Those are some explanations about the meaning of VCS. Hopefully, it is useful and can answer your curiosity!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.