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Viral! Inspired by Kangin, This Student Successfully Dieted and Lost Dozens of Kilograms

Viral! Inspired by Kangin, This Student Successfully Dieted and Lost Dozens of Kilograms © - Having an ideal body weight is one of the dreams of everyone. No wonder they will do anything to get a proportional body. They start from dieting to regular exercise to make their bodies ideal.

Talking about weight issues, recently there was a viral story on Twitter about a student who went on a strict diet and eventually achieved an ideal body weight. In fact, since it was uploaded on Tuesday (10/3), the thread he created has been retweeted more than 21 thousand times.

Moreover, because of the drastic changes that happened to Amal, many people did not believe it. Many thought that he had undergone plastic surgery to look thinner.


1. Often Receiving Body Shaming

Amal Roem, a 4th semester student at Diponegoro University, successfully lost tens of kilograms of weight. He shared his inspirational story on his personal Twitter account.

In the thread, Amal talked about how he received bullying and body shaming from people around him because of his overweight body, and how he eventually improved himself to what he is now.

"[ HOW I EXPRESS LOVE TO MYSELF AND HOW PUBERTY HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK ] A thread about how I improve myself as a form of self-love and survive from bullying in 'a good ways'.", wrote Amal on his Twitter account @bukanmagadir.

2. Afraid to Meet Friends

According to, Amal himself said that his family has a body structure with a quite large body weight. He admitted that during school, he often became the target of bullying from his classmates.

"Okay, so my whole family has big bodies. Plus, when I was a kid, I was spoiled a lot, so I ended up eating a lot. Until in junior high school, I started to feel what bullying is. Being talked about here and there, becoming a subject of mockery," said Amal as quoted from, on Friday (13/2).

3. Start Transforming Yourself

Even, she received bullying until high school and she was afraid to meet her friends. Not wanting the situation to continue, Amal decided to change herself.

"The bullying continued until high school, the worst bullying came from seniors. It really made me scared to go to the cafeteria for some time, because I was constantly mocked. Thinking about my health and wanting to be "appreciated", I finally decided to go on a diet as a form of self-love," she said.

4. Wanting to Live Healthily

Amal herself has reasons why she wants to change herself. Besides wanting to be more accepted by society, Amal also loves her body by living a healthier lifestyle.

"I used to think that if I continued to be like this, my life would just be stuck. Finally, I decided to change because I love myself. Of course, I want to live longer in a happy and enjoyable state, and be successful in a healthy condition in the future :)," said Amal.

"I don't want to be hypocritical, obviously I have to change because I want to be better accepted by society. It's really exhausting to be the subject of conversation everywhere," she added.

5. Inspired by Kangin

Furthermore, it turns out that Aman is also inspired by Kangin from Super Junior. He considers Kangin as a role model, and it has a strong influence on him to keep fighting.

"This is also important to me because having a role model makes me believe that if he can do it, I can too. At that time, I made Kangin from Suju (hello kpopers, haha) as my role model. He was able to lose weight from +100kg to around 70," he said.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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