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Viral Train Toilet Without Receptacle and Waste Water Disposed of on the Tracks, Is it in Indonesia?

Viral Train Toilet Without Receptacle and Waste Water Disposed of on the Tracks, Is it in Indonesia? Train toilet without a receptacle and water © - Train toilets have recently gone viral on the internet. In a post shared by the Instagram account @makassar_iinfo, it can be seen that the toilet is not equipped with a receptacle and the waste water goes directly onto the tracks. This immediately raised questions among netizens about whether this toilet is on Indonesian trains.

"Train toilet, so if you use it, does the waste water go straight down like that?" wrote the @makassar_iinfo account.

1. Confirmation from PT KAI

This post immediately went viral among Indonesian netizens. VP Public Relations of KAI, Joni Martinus, confirmed that the toilet in the video does not belong to PT KAI and does not exist in Indonesia.

"That (video of a toilet without a septic tank on the train) is not from KAI," Joni emphasized as quoted from (18/3).

Meanwhile, Joni added that the toilets in KAI are environmentally friendly, as they do not create waste and do not dispose of water onto the train tracks. He also mentioned that KAI toilets are regularly cleaned every two months.

2. Netizen Comments

Until now, the video recording of the toilet has reached over 198 views. Indonesian netizens have also joined in the discussion.

"The message to take away: don't get close to the train when it passes."

"So, if you pass under a bridge with train tracks and there's water, it's from a bathroom."

Well, where do you think this train is, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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