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Vomiting while Fasting, Does It Nullify Our Fast? Check Out the Explanation!

Vomiting while Fasting, Does It Nullify Our Fast? Check Out the Explanation! The Ruling on Vomiting While Fasting (credit: unsplash) - Ramadan has arrived, and Muslims are once again welcoming the holy month by observing fasting. However, amidst the enthusiasm for worship, questions often arise regarding things that can nullify the fast. One of the issues that attracts attention is vomiting.

Vomiting while fasting has become a hot topic among Muslims, especially regarding whether this action can nullify the fast or not. In Islamic teachings, there is a legal distinction between vomiting that is done intentionally and that which occurs unintentionally.

Understanding this ruling is very important so that Muslims can observe their fast correctly according to the guidelines of Sharia. In this article, we will delve deeper into the evidence, the views of scholars, and the proper way to handle the situation of vomiting while fasting.

Let’s take a look together, as reported by from various sources, Tuesday (3/4/2025).

1. Does Vomiting Nullify Fasting?

Vomiting while fasting can indeed be a dilemma, but don't worry, the answer depends on the intention! If the vomiting occurs unintentionally, such as due to nausea or stomach pain, your fast remains valid.

However, if you intentionally induce vomiting, for example by putting your fingers down your throat, then your fast is nullified and must be compensated.

This is emphasized in the saying of the Prophet Muhammad SAW narrated by Abu Hurairah: "Whoever vomits intentionally, then it is obligatory for him to make up his fast." (HR. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah).

Additionally, there is further clarification stating that if the vomiting is unintentional and not swallowed back, the fast remains valid. However, if the vomit is swallowed back, then the fast becomes invalid.

Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between intentional and unintentional vomiting so that our fasting worship remains intact!

2. Unintentional Vomiting vs Intentional Vomiting

Vomiting that occurs unintentionally, such as during motion sickness or stomach pain, does not invalidate the fast, you know!

This opinion aligns with several scholars who assert that vomiting beyond our control remains valid.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also reminded that if someone vomits without intention (unintentional vomiting) while fasting, they do not need to make up for their fast.

However, if vomiting is done intentionally, for example by putting a finger in the throat, then the fast is invalid and must be replaced on another day.

Interestingly, holding back vomit that is already in the throat and swallowing it again is also considered to invalidate the fast, as it is regarded as intentional action.

So, if you feel nauseous, it’s better to let it out without swallowing it back!

3. Other Things That Invalidate the Fast

Fasting is a meaningful act of worship, but there are several things that can invalidate it, and it is important for every Muslim to know them.

Among the most common actions are eating and drinking intentionally, which will invalidate the fast even if it is just a little.

In addition, engaging in intimate relations during fasting hours also causes this act of worship to be invalid, whether in the context of husband and wife or extramarital relations.

More seriously, apostasy or leaving the Islamic faith not only invalidates the fast but also erases all the good deeds that have been performed.

In the Quran, Surah Al-Maidah verse 5, Allah SWT emphasizes that those who disbelieve after having faith will lose all their deeds.

Therefore, it is very important for us to understand and maintain the sanctity of fasting with full awareness, so that we can perform this act of worship with devotion and attain blessings from Allah SWT.

If mistakes occur unintentionally, the fast remains valid, but if intentional, then there must be a replacement and a penalty according to Sharia.

Let’s keep our intentions and actions during this holy month!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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