Kapanlagi.com - The word 'coli' may still sound unfamiliar to some people. It's understandable, because the word 'coli' is rarely used in everyday conversations. This is because the meaning of 'coli' tends to have a negative connotation as it is associated with something sexual. Therefore, the word 'coli' may only be familiar to certain groups, especially teenagers and adults.
However, the fact is that the meaning of 'coli' is not only referring to a sexual activity. Yes, it turns out that 'coli' is one of the words classified as homonyms in the Indonesian language. This means that 'coli' has several meanings. This can be proven by the meaning of 'coli' in the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), which refers to several meanings.
So, what is the meaning of 'coli' in KBBI? Why is the meaning of 'coli' more closely related to sexual activities alone? To answer these questions, please refer to the following discussion that has been summarized by Kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. What is the Meaning of Coli in KBBI

(credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, in general, the meaning of the word coli refers to a sexual activity. However, if examined further, in KBBI, the word coli still has at least two other meanings. First, the meaning of coli is women's underwear. Then, the second meaning, coli is also defined as ripe jackfruit or cempedak.
As one of the sexual activities, in KBBI, the meaning of coli is defined as masturbation, which is the process of ejaculation of semen without sexual intercourse. In other words, coli is the same as masturbation or equivalent to the term for male masturbation.
2. The Meaning of Coli as a Sexual Activity

(credit: unsplash)
Although it has many meanings, it cannot be denied that the meaning of coli is widely known as one type of sexual activity. However, why is that?
The word coli is commonly used among some adult men. This is in line with the meaning of coli itself, which is another term for male masturbation. So, even though it is not widely known, the term coli still exists among adult men in their daily lives.
The other two meanings of coli, which are 'women's underwear' and 'ripe jackfruit or cempedak,' are not as popular as coli as masturbation, and not without reason. In KBBI, the meaning of coli as 'women's underwear' is marked as an archaic word, or an old word that is no longer used. So it is understandable that many do not know that coli can mean 'women's underwear'.
Meanwhile, the meaning of coli as 'ripe jackfruit or cempedak' is marked with the term 'alias', indicating that the word is another name. And, as we generally know, ripe fruit is commonly referred to as 'matang' or 'masak'.
That is why the meaning of coli as a sexual activity is more famous than other meanings.
3. Coli from a Medical Perspective

(credit: unsplash)
Coli or masturbation may be considered normal among some men. Many men do it to achieve sexual stimulation for satisfaction. Although often considered normal, the fact is that coli can also have an impact on health, both physically and psychologically. Therefore, it is important to understand the meaning of coli from a medical point of view.
According to klikdokter.com, here are some effects of coli on bodily health:
1) Increases the risk of infections in the genitals and urinary tract, especially if done with unclean tools.
2) Coli or masturbation can also lead to a decrease in sexual sensitivity, especially in individuals who already have a partner.
3) Psychologically, the habit of coli or masturbation tends to make a person feel guilty afterwards. This can potentially lead to stress and decreased productivity.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of coli in KBBI. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.