Kapanlagi.com - Among popular slang languages, the word 'mager' is very familiar. This is because the slang language 'mager' often appears on social media or chat applications. But do you already know the meaning of 'mager' in slang language?
Hearing the word 'mager' is certainly not new to you. Yes, the meaning of 'mager' is included in popular slang language among young people. Not only a trend on social media, but the word 'mager' is also used in young people's conversations.
What is the meaning of 'mager' in slang language including popular abbreviations and widely used. The meaning of 'mager' comes from an acronym. To further understand the meaning of 'mager', the following review can answer your curiosity.
Want to know the meaning of 'mager', let's directly see the explanation in the following review. In addition to understanding the meaning of 'mager', there are also several popular slang languages used. Find out the meaning and significance in one review below.
1. What is the Meaning of 'Mager' in Slang Language

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Listening to the word 'mager' is certainly not unfamiliar. Because the word 'mager' is included in the slang language of today. It's no wonder if you might often come across the use of the word 'mager' in daily conversations. The word 'mager' is also very popular on social media.
Many social media users use the word 'mager' to represent their feelings of laziness, lethargy, or fatigue. From here, you can also know the meaning of 'mager' in slang language. The meaning of 'mager' is also already included in KBBI (Indonesian Dictionary).
What is the actual meaning of 'mager' comes from an acronym. Yes, 'mager' becomes one of the slang languages from abbreviations. The meaning of 'mager' is an abbreviation of 'Malas Gerak' or also 'Malas Bergerak' (Lazy to Move). According to the meaning of 'mager', it can be seen that the word 'mager' is used to indicate a situation when you are lazy to do activities. That is the meaning of 'mager' in slang language that needs to be known and understood.
2. What is Mager, Meaning and Usage

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The meaning of 'mager' in slang language is very common knowledge. Moreover, it is not difficult to understand the meaning of 'mager' which turns out to be an abbreviation of 'malas gerak' (lazy to move). According to the meaning of 'mager' based on its abbreviation, the meaning of this word is to describe the state when one is tired and does not want to do any activities. The meaning of 'mager' can also be called as not being enthusiastic to do anything or not wanting to move or go out.
Because of the comfort with the current situation, the word 'mager' is used to refer to that condition. And when someone wants to go out, but you don't want to do any activities, the word 'mager' is expressed. For example, 'Let's watch a movie at the cinema?' and you respond with 'Lagi Mager' (feeling lazy). The meaning of 'mager' and its meaning shows that you don't want to do any activities.
The meaning of 'mager' is also in accordance with the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) (Indonesian Dictionary) which means reluctant or not enthusiastic to do activities. The use of the word 'mager' is also used when you don't want to move, go out, or engage in activities. That is the meaning of 'mager', its meaning, and its usage.
3. Solutions for Laziness

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The feeling of laziness can arise suddenly or unexpectedly. However, laziness usually occurs during holidays when you want to have me time and feel lazy to do activities. After knowing the meaning of laziness, also find out how to solve it when you are attacked by laziness. That's why below is a review of solutions for laziness.
1. Make time to exercise regularly.
2. Schedule time for meditation or yoga to provide a sense of calm and overcome laziness.
3. Boost your spirit by doing hobbies or activities that you enjoy.
4. Get enough rest and avoid excessive rest.
5. Try to fight boredom.
6. Create reminders to do productive and positive things.
7. Stay away from negative thoughts, negative thinking, or overthinking.
Those are some tips and solutions to overcome laziness. With these solutions, it can help you turn laziness into productivity and positivity.
4. Popular Slang Language from Abbreviations

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There are various popular slang languages that are abbreviations. Starting from slang language from English or Indonesian abbreviations, both have become trends and are very popular. Want to know what popular slang languages from abbreviations are? Let's see the review below about the meaning of 'mager' and other popular slang languages from abbreviations.
1. Kepo: Knowing Every Particular Object or curiosity.
2. BTW: By The Way
3. Gabut: Gaji Buta (blind salary)
4. COD: Cash On Delivery
5. AKA: Also Known As
6. Komuk: Kondisi muka (face condition)
7. FYI: For Your Information
8. Baper: Bawa Perasaan (bring feelings)
9. GWS: Get Well Soon
10. OTW: On The Way
11. PAP: Post a Picture
12. Pansos: Panjat sosial (social climbing)
13. Bucin: Budak cinta (love slave)
14. Gaje: Gak jelas or enggak jelas (unclear)
15. Japri: Jalur pribadi (private line)
16. Mantul: Mantap betul (very cool)
17. OMG: Oh My God
18. VC: Video Call
That's the meaning of 'mager' in slang language that you need to know. So, when you come across the word 'mager' on social media or hear it in daily conversations, you can understand and comprehend its meaning.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.