Kapanlagi.com - In Indonesia, there are several regions that are included in autonomous regions. There are several reasons why a region implements an autonomous region system. One of them can be understood by knowing the meaning of an autonomous region.
You may have heard the terms autonomous region and regional autonomy. Based on their origins, both of them come from the word auto which means self and nomi which means government affairs or household affairs.
In general, the meaning of an autonomous region and regional autonomy based on their origins can already be understood. However, for those of you who want to understand more about the meaning of an autonomous region, the following review is important to know.
The complete meaning of an autonomous region along with its types, benefits, and examples can be seen as follows. The meaning of an autonomous region below has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning of Autonomous Regions in KBBI

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In Indonesia, there are several terms to refer to regions, areas, or authorities. One of them is known as autonomous regions. Some people may already be familiar with the term autonomous regions. But do you know the meaning of autonomous regions?
The meaning of autonomous regions is also found in the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI). According to KBBI, the meaning of autonomous regions is regions that stand on their own, have certain territorial boundaries, have their own laws and special regulations applicable to their regions without violating the laws of the central government. The meaning of autonomous regions is also known as Maura Swatantra regions.
That is the meaning of autonomous regions according to the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI). By knowing the meaning of autonomous regions in KBBI, it can make it easier for you to understand the concept of autonomous regions.
2. Meaning of Autonomous Regions According to the Law

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Understanding the meaning of regions is also stated in Law Number 32 of 2004. That is why it is also necessary to know the meaning of autonomous regions according to the Law to help you better understand the understanding of autonomous regions.
Yes, based on Law Number 32 of 2004 in Article 1, an autonomous region is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries authorized to regulate and manage its own governance affairs for the interests of the local community based on their own initiative according to the aspirations of the community in the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
If we refer to the meaning of autonomous regions according to the Law, it can be concluded that autonomous regions have the freedom or authority to regulate and manage the community in their own region while remaining within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia system.
3. Types of Autonomous Regions in Indonesia

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In Indonesia, there are several types of autonomous regions. In addition to understanding the meaning of autonomous regions, it is also important to know the types of autonomous regions in Indonesia. Before discussing the types of autonomous regions in Indonesia, you may wonder why autonomous regions are given the authority to regulate and manage their own governance affairs for the interests of the community.
Based on the reasons, autonomous regions are given this system because of their unique geographical conditions. In addition, the local minority communities have preserved their customs and traditions. Therefore, the autonomous region system is applied because the region requires special laws that are suitable for the area. That is the reason why a region uses the autonomous region system.
There are several types of autonomous regions in Indonesia. Among the types of autonomous regions in Indonesia are as follows.
1. Special Region: This type of autonomous region in Indonesia consists of Aceh, Jakarta, Papua, and West Papua. These special regions are given special autonomy for their regions.
2. Special Region: This type of autonomous region in Indonesia consists of Aceh and Yogyakarta.
4. Benefits of Autonomous Regions

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The meaning of autonomous regions is basically a system implemented for a region with its own power, authority, freedom to regulate and manage its own government for the local community while still considering the laws imposed by the central government.
There are a number of benefits of autonomous regions that are also important to know. The following are some of the benefits of autonomous regions that you can find out through the review below. Here are the benefits of autonomous regions.
1. Can create, regulate, and manage policies based on and adjusted to the interests of the local community in the autonomous region.
2. Have the power, freedom, and authority to govern their own regional government and not depend on the central government.
3. Increase the efficiency of the central government in carrying out its tasks.
4. Goods and services in autonomous regions can be more affordable or lower.
5. Example of Autonomous Region Tasks

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After knowing the meaning of autonomous regions along with their benefits and types, examples of autonomous region tasks are also important to know. This will increase knowledge and understanding about examples of autonomous region tasks. That's why below are examples of autonomous region tasks.
1. Determining and establishing the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR).
2. Managing their own Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).
3. Imposing regional levies.
4. Imposing local taxes.
5. Developing and monitoring the development of the region itself, starting from infrastructure, tourism, infrastructure, and even education.
That is the meaning of autonomous regions along with their types, benefits, and examples of tasks. This will make it easier for you to understand the meaning of autonomous regions.
Source: Merdeka.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.