Kapanlagi.com - Tsunami is one of the devastating natural disasters that can destroy anything on earth, and even take human lives. It's no wonder that dreaming of a tsunami can make us feel scared. Dreams have meanings, the meaning of tsunami dreams can be a sign of good or bad.
Dreams are a form of sleep flower, not all dream meanings come true. That's why knowing the meaning of tsunami dreams can help you not to worry. This dream meaning may be a sign for you to be more careful or grateful to God.
However, the meaning of tsunami dreams is not to be taken as a benchmark, KLovers. For KLovers who are curious about the meanings of tsunami dreams, here are some meanings of tsunami dreams, as a sign of good or bad. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Meaning of Tsunami Dreams According to Psychology

Meaning of tsunami dreams (credit: Pexels)
The first meaning of a tsunami dream is the meaning of a tsunami dream according to psychology. Yes, the meaning of this dream can change depending on what happens in the dream. If you are floating while dreaming, it means you have lost control of your life.
If you are escaping from a tsunami, it means you are avoiding problems. In general, this dream can symbolize that you are in a state of confusion. If you are running away from a tsunami, it means you are avoiding existing problems.
That is why it is important to know in what situation you are in. If you feel that you are experiencing problems, it is good to look at the problem and solve it. Because it is possible that the tsunami dream you experience indicates that you are feeling pressured by the problem.
2. Meaning of Tsunami Dreams According to Javanese Primbon
Then the meaning of the second tsunami dream is the meaning of a tsunami dream according to Javanese primbon. If you have a dream of suddenly seeing a tsunami, it could indicate that you will receive a surprise from someone, KLovers. This person could be a friend, companion, relative, or sibling who will unexpectedly surprise you.
And don't worry, the meaning of this surprise is not something bad, but rather a good surprise for you. It could be a surprise for your birthday, coming to your house, or receiving good news such as a birth. That's why you should be grateful for everything in this world. Because happiness ultimately comes from God Almighty.
3. Meaning of Small Tsunami Dreams

Meaning of dreaming of a tsunami (credit: Pexels)
Any form of tsunami can be a terrifying dream, whether it's a big or small tsunami. For those of you who dream of a small tsunami, it may be an unpleasant sign, KLovers. The meaning of this small tsunami dream occurs because you may be in a circle of unresolved problems.
These problems could be related to family, friendship, companionship, or romance. It would be good for you to see if you can solve these problems on your own or not. If you can't solve them on your own, ask for help from others so that you don't feel overwhelmed alone.
4. Meaning of Dreaming of a Big Tsunami
Unlike the meaning of dreaming of a small tsunami, the meaning of dreaming of a big tsunami can actually be a good sign for those who dream it. Yup! Dreaming of a big tsunami can be a good sign for you in the form of blessings.
The meaning of dreaming of a big tsunami is interpreted as you will soon receive blessings from unexpected people. These blessings may not necessarily be material, my dear KLovers, they can be in the form of help or sincere prayers, which can also be considered as blessings.
5. Meaning of Dreaming of a Tsunami at Night

Meaning of tsunami dreams (credit: Pexels)
Experiencing a disaster like a tsunami at night can be terrifying. But what about the meaning of dreaming of a tsunami at night? The meaning of dreaming of a tsunami that occurs at night reveals that you will go through painful moments.
Yes, you will face very difficult problems in your life. Night is a sign that spiritual awakening is near. You will sacrifice something important to you, and it will make you emerge as a winner in your journey.
6. Meaning of Dream: Tsunami Entering the House
The next meaning of a tsunami dream is when you dream of a tsunami entering the house. When you see a tsunami entering and even sweeping away the house, this dream may be related to your personality, KLovers. You are a person who is bound to your family and enjoys happiness with the people you love.
The water that destroys your house can be a sign of hardship and pain. This dream reveals that there are people who oppose you. They will try in any way to separate you from your harmonious family environment. However, no matter how hard they try, they will not succeed.
That is why maintaining togetherness and harmony in the house is a key to keeping the family strong. Every family will face problems, but unity can make the family strong and successfully overcome any challenges ahead.
7. Meaning of Dream of Escaping from a Tsunami

Meaning of tsunami dreams (credit: Pexels)
And the meaning of the dream of a tsunami is that there is a meaning of escaping from a tsunami. If you have ever had this dream, it could be related to your feelings that are still trapped in the past. You do want to keep moving forward, but sometimes you often remember the past. This can be a pressure in your life, and it is difficult to move forward.
If you have this dream, it would be good for you to learn to accept the reality that you are experiencing now. The past cannot be changed anymore, but it should become a memory stored in your heart. If your heart is still attached to the past, you will lose another opportunity to have a brighter future.
That is the meaning of the dream of a tsunami that you can know. The meaning of this dream of a tsunami can be a good dream or a bad dream. But they are all just dreams, keep thinking positively and praying to God for every problem you experience.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.