Kapanlagi.com - Globalization is a term that is quite popular in various parts of the world. This term usually arises when a group of people discuss business, economic development, culture, politics, and various other fields in the world. But what is the actual meaning of globalization?
The meaning of globalization is the process of entering the world scope. It's no wonder that this term has become a keyword for discussing "progress" in various fields. The boundaries between individuals in various countries are becoming increasingly blurred as this term becomes more popular.
Technological advancements have truly provided great support. However, unfortunately, the meaning of globalization does not always have a positive impact. This phenomenon has another side that is quite worrying. As human beings today, it is only right for you to care about this phenomenon. Therefore, you need to pay attention to some information about the characteristics and impacts of globalization below.
1. Meaning of Globalization

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Before discussing further about the positive and negative impacts, it would be better if you listen to some meanings of globalization first. According to Bola.com, here are some definitions of globalization according to experts that you can understand.
- According to Cochrane and Pain, globalization is a sign of the emergence of a global economic and cultural system that makes humans worldwide a single global society.
- Meanwhile, Cohen and Kennedy argue that globalization is a set of transformations that reinforce the world, which includes changes in the concept of space and time, market dependence and economic production in different countries, increased cultural interactions, increased common problems in the field of economy, environment, and other common problems.
- Achmad Suparman argues that globalization is a process of making something an characteristic and every individual in this world without being limited by territory.
- According to Malcom Waters, globalization is a social process that results in geographical limitations on social and cultural conditions becoming less important, which is manifested in people's awareness.
- Prof.Dr.Mubyarto argues that globalization has two meanings: first, as a description/definition, namely the process of merging the global market into a single market; second, in the field of economy, which makes the economy more efficient and healthier towards the progress of world society.
2. Characteristics of Globalization

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After knowing the meaning of globalization, you also need to recognize its characteristics. Maybe, you have been involved in this process, but unconsciously. Understanding this will help you realize your position in globalization.
1. Increased Cultural Interaction
The increasing openness of information through media and the internet has increased cultural interaction between countries. You can feel it through access to music and movies from abroad, and vice versa. Over time, cultures such as language, cuisine, and fashion can be adopted by you.
For example, Korean dramas and music are increasingly liked by Indonesian citizens. This is because of easy access. Because of the perceived good quality, their fans eventually follow fashion trends, the food that appears in the drama, and even learn the Korean language.
2. Changes in the Concept of Space and Time
National territorial boundaries are fading. Each citizen is free to visit other countries for tourism purposes. This is supported by capable and affordable flight facilities. Distance is no longer a problem.
3. Market and Production Dependency
Globalization has made shopping abroad no longer strange. You can easily visit online stores abroad, make transactions, and have the goods delivered directly to your home.
4. Emerging Problems Together
Economic and complex interactions can trigger problems in various countries. For example, regional inflation, environmental issues, and so on.
3. Impacts of Globalization

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Any change certainly has an impact, whether big or small. The meaning of globalization is the process of entering the world scope. Of course, this phenomenon can have a significant impact on life in various countries. To find out more, please read the following explanation.
1. Positive Impacts
- Economy
Provides access to a larger market.
Provides cheaper goods for consumers.
Better quality and variety.
- Politics
Promotes world peace and unity.
- Education
Enhances innovation and creativity.
Facilitates access to information and knowledge.
- Culture
Advancements in technology, communication, transportation, and information that facilitate human beings.
2. Negative Impacts
- Economy
National markets are vulnerable to domination by imported goods.
Increase in smuggling of illegal and prohibited goods.
Exploitation of labor.
- Culture
Fading of local values, such as mutual cooperation.
Negative influences from the outside world.
- Environment
Deterioration of the environment and increased air pollution.
Well, KLovers, that's an explanation of the meaning of globalization that you need to be aware of. With that, you can maximize the positive impacts and play a role in minimizing the negative impacts.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.