Abidzar Al Ghifari Awaits the Arrival of @projecthuntera, Cannot Accept His Brother's Mental Distress
Video KLY
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Raise the Issue of the Sandwich Generation, '1 SIBLING 7 NIECES/NEPHEWS' Makes Chicco Kurniawan Want to Contribute
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Many Matched, El Rumi and Syifa Hadju Caught Walking Together by Netizens?
A netizen claimed to have seen El Rumi and Syifa Hadju walking together
Kim Ji Won's Moment at the Airport After Returning from Taipei, Enthusiastically Greeting Fans Despite a Delay
Kim Ji Won greeted the fans who were waiting for her upon landing at the airport after returning from Taiwan
Abidzar Reports Twitter Account @projecthuntera to Polda Metro Jaya, This is What the Family Wants
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88 Branded Bags and Jewelry Seized, Sandra Dewi Objects
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Hamzah Haz, Former Vice President of Indonesia No. 9 Passes Away
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Dede Admits to Providing False Testimony in the Vina Case, Marliyana is Shocked and Surprised
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