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7 Photos of Kiki The Potters' Ex Nikita Mirzani's Proposal, Full of Serenity - Attended by Bandmates

7 Photos of Kiki The Potters' Ex Nikita Mirzani's Proposal, Full of Serenity - Attended by Bandmates Kiki The Potters proposes to his beloved (credit: instagram/kiki_thepotters/irmabarbie__) - Good news comes from Kiki The Potters. Former lover of Nikita Mirzani is known to have just gotten engaged to his girlfriend, Irma Barbie. Through various posts on his personal Instagram, Kiki The Potters and his partner look harmonious.

Kiki The Potters proposed to Irma Barbie in a solemn event. The room where the proposal took place was very sweet with purple color and flower decorations. What does the portrait of the solemn moment of Kiki The Potters' proposal and his beloved look like?

Instead of getting more curious, let's take a look, KLovers, at some happy portraits of Kiki The Potters and Irma Barbie below.

1. Harmonious Appearance

Good news comes from Kiki The Potters. Former lover of Nikita Mirzani is known to have just gotten engaged to his girlfriend, Irma Barbie. Through various posts on his personal Instagram, Kiki The Potters and his partner look harmonious.

Kiki The Potters proposed to Irma Barbie in a solemn event. The room where the proposal took place was very sweet with purple color and flower decorations. What does the portrait of the solemn moment of Kiki The Potters' proposal and his beloved look like?

Instead of getting more curious, let's take a look, KLovers, at some happy portraits of Kiki The Potters and Irma Barbie below.

2. Radiate Happiness

Not only their appearance is similar, Kiki The Potters and Irma Barbie also appear with a natural makeup, which makes them even more handsome and beautiful. The smiles on their lips make their faces even more radiant. The aura of happiness truly shines on their faces.

3. Share the Story of How They Met

In one of her Instagram posts, Irma Barbie shares a little bit of their love story. Irma admits that she first met Kiki The Potters in October. Kiki greeted her while she was performing live. Who would have thought, starting from a performance on stage, soon they will be walking down the aisle.

4. Moving Forward to a Serious Stage

It didn't take long for Kiki The Potters and Irma Barbie to finally move forward to a more serious stage. Kiki and Irma immediately believed in each other. It was proven that two months after their first meeting, Kiki immediately proposed to his beloved.

5. Attended by Close People

The engagement moment of Kiki The Potters and Irma Barbie became more solemn with the presence of close people. Not only family, many friends also attended the engagement event. Through several posts on his Instagram, Kiki expressed his gratitude to the friends who had come.

6. Attended by Bandmates

Kiki The Potters' engagement day became even more special with the presence of his bandmates. Abed and Angga The Potters were seen coming to congratulate Kiki and Irma. Not forgetting, the three members of The Potters band captured the happy moment of the vocalist by taking a photo together.

7. Romantic Couple

Kiki The Potters and Irma Barbie are not just a compatible couple. In their daily lives, they also appear romantic. In their daily lives, Kiki and Irma often display their romance through social media. On their respective media accounts, they frequently share romantic moments they have experienced together.

Those are some of the snapshots of Kiki The Potters' happiness, former partner of Nikita Mirzani, during the engagement ceremony with his beloved. Let's pray for their smooth journey, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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