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7 Portraits of Bunga Zainal's Children in India, Visiting the Golden Temple and Participating in Religious Rituals

7 Portraits of Bunga Zainal's Children in India, Visiting the Golden Temple and Participating in Religious Rituals Portraits of Bunga Zainal's children in India (credit: - Bunga Zainal is currently in India with her family. Her visit to her husband's home country is not without reason, as she is participating in the Sikh religious ritual.

While in India, Bunga Zainal and Sukhdev Singh brought their children to participate in the Sikh religious ritual. This beautiful artist born in 1987 finally expressed her happiness because her two sons have officially become Sikhs.

Through her social media account, Bunga Zainal shared moments during her time in India, including visiting the Golden Temple. Curious about the portraits of Bunga Zainal's children in India? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Bunga Zainal's Children in India

Flying to India, Bunga Zainal and Sukhdev Singh also brought their two beloved children. This beautiful artist's children also experienced the beauty and richness of Indian culture, including the religious rituals they participated in. In several portraits shared through social media accounts, there are moments of Bunga Zainal's two children enjoying their journey in their father's home country.

2. Visit Golden Temple

One of the main goals of the Bunga Zainal family trip was to visit the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab. This celebrity family looked united in their matching white outfits. Here is a moment when Bunga Zainal captured the togetherness with her family against the beautiful backdrop of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab.

3. Follow Religious Rituals

Not only did Bunga Zainal and her family visit the Golden Temple as a tourist spot, but they also participated in Sikh religious rituals. Especially Karan Pradhi Singh and Harneel Pradhi Singh, who were finally able to participate in Sikh religious rituals. Guided by their father, Karan and Harneel seemed to enjoy every Sikh religious ritual.

4. Joining Prayer at 3 AM

Through social media accounts, Bunga Zainal revealed that her two sons are willing to wake up early in the morning to join the prayer. Gathering with other believers, Bunga Zainal's two children were seen participating in the solemn process. She praised her two sons for being willing to wake up early. However, despite intending to wake up at 3 AM, Bunga Zainal and her family were unable to enter Gelduara at the Golden Temple due to the crowded situation. As a result, they could only pray from outside Gelduara.

"My children are amazing, waking up from 3 AM to pray, Raja," wrote Bunga Zainal in her personal social media story.

5. Finally Officially Embracing the Sikh Religion

Through this spiritual journey, Bunga Zainal finally feels happy because her two children have officially embraced the Sikh religion. Previously, the 37-year-old beautiful artist had planned to go to the Golden Temple but was hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Finally, I managed to bring the children to the golden temple after canceling it for several years due to COVID. I am so happy that the children are officially Sikh," wrote Bunga Zainal in the caption @bungazainal05.

6. Breakfast Moment at Gelduara

After performing prayers at the Golden Temple, Bunga Zainal's family enjoyed breakfast together at Gelduara. The artist revealed a memorable experience while having breakfast there. She mentioned that the food was provided for free to all visitors. Bunga Zainal also praised the delicious taste of the food, which made her children eat heartily.

"Breakfast at Geldara, eating dal, roti, and white kheer. But me and the children don't really like the taste because it's too milky. But we still have to finish the food, my eldest son even had 5 extra rotis because it was so delicious," wrote Bunga Zainal.

7. Becoming the Center of Attention

Bunga Zainal revealed that her son became the center of attention for the visitors while enjoying food at Gelduara. This is because the celebrity family ate together with other visitors. This situation confused and made Bunga Zainal wonder. She assumed that maybe people were fascinated by her son's resemblance to Japanese children.

"By the way, when we were eating, I didn't understand why everyone was looking at Karan and smiling, whispering until Harneel got confused why everyone was looking at him. Maybe they thought, 'Why did this Japanese kid come here?' haha," Bunga Zainal expressed.

Those are the portraits of Bunga Zainal's children during their time in India. These beautiful artist's two beloved children have officially embraced the Sikh religion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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