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7 Portraits of Rossa Performing on Chinese TV Station, Singing in Mandarin - Duet with Local Musicians

7 Portraits of Rossa Performing on Chinese TV Station, Singing in Mandarin - Duet with Local Musicians Portraits of Rossa performing on Chinese TV station (credit: - The beautiful singer Rossa has managed to impress the public with her performance on a Chinese TV station. Not only that, the singer of the song Tegar also collaborated with local musicians in China.

Through social media accounts, Rossa shared her experience performing on a Chinese TV station. This time, Rossa showcased her singing ability with her mesmerizing golden voice. In fact, the beautiful singer, who is also affiliated with the famous Korean agency SM Entertainment, also sang a Mandarin song.

Curious about Rossa's performance on the stage of a Chinese TV station? Check out the moments of Rossa singing with legendary Chinese singers here.

1. Portrait of Rossa Performing on Chinese TV Station

Rossa has made a new history in her career by appearing on a Chinese TV station. This adds to Rossa's long list of successes, making her widely known in several countries. What's special is that Rossa was invited as a guest star on a program on a Chinese TV station.

2. Invited to TV Show

Rossa's presence on the TV show immediately caught the attention of fans in the homeland. Apparently, Rossa was a guest star on a TV show titled The Beauty of Shared Arts. According to her confession, she received the invitation in November 2023. She decided to go to Beijing to fulfill the invitation as a guest star on the show.

"In November 2023, I flew to Beijing as an invited guest to sing at The Beauty of Shared Arts with Chinese musicians," Rossa wrote in the caption @itsrossa910.

3. One Stage with Chinese Musicians

When Rossa arrived in Beijing, she was not only amazed by the grandeur of the TV station where the show was broadcasted. From the technology to the facilities, Rossa admitted that it was truly impressive. In addition, while on stage, Rossa performed with a number of musicians from China.

"I was amazed when shooting at the TV station there, it's big, and the technology is really advanced. I'm really happy to be a part of this show," Rossa wrote.

4. Duet with Legendary Singer Cai Guo Qing

One of the most interesting moments of Rossa's performance was when she dueted with legendary singer Cai Guo Qing. This duet not only touched the hearts of the audience but also showcased Rossa's enchanting singing ability. Their collaboration looked so epic that it managed to impress.

"One of them is the legendary singer Cai Guo Qing," she continued.

5. Performing the Song Sing Sing So

On her performance day, Rossa felt happy and proud to be able to sing the song Sing Sing So. However, this time Rossa performed the song in Mandarin version with the legendary musician Cai Guo Qing. Rossa showed an impressive performance and successfully mesmerized the audience with her melodious voice.

"This event is a collaboration for the preservation of Indonesian and Chinese nature and culture. Yesterday, I sang the song Sing Sing So which is a popular Batak song in China," wrote Rossa in the caption @itsrossa910.

6. Fluent Singing in Mandarin

Although singing in Mandarin, Rossa appeared skillful in performing the song with full of emotion and meaning. Seeing Rossa fluently pronounce Mandarin, she successfully captivated the hearts of her fans. This is how Rossa looks like when performing on the TV stage of a Chinese station.

7. Praise Overflow

Rossa's performance received an overflow of praise from netizens flooding the comments section of her latest post. Several celebrity friends also praised the singer's performance. Rossa herself revealed that she never stops learning, including something new like appearing on Chinese TV station.

"Never stop learning something new. Me for CCTV 1, China 2024," wrote Rossa.

That is the portrait of Rossa when she appeared on Chinese TV station. The beautiful singer Rossa managed to captivate the audience with her extraordinary talent.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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