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76 Years Old, 7 Portraits of Diah Permatasari's Mother Who Likes Driving

76 Years Old, 7 Portraits of Diah Permatasari's Mother Who Likes Driving Portraits of Diah Permatasari's mother who enjoys driving (credit: - At 76 years old, Diah Permatasari's mother, Diah Permatasari, remains active and agile while driving. The beautiful actress, known for her role as Mariam in the movie SI MANIS JEMBATAN ANCOL, recently shared a moment with her mother.

Visiting Solo, Diah Permatasari did not miss the opportunity to go on a trip with her mother. It is known that the beautiful 53-year-old actress lives in a different city from her mother, who chose to stay in Solo. Interestingly, Diah Permatasari revealed a fact about her mother that not many people know.

Because Insiyah Ratna Widaningrum, the mother of the actress, enjoys driving at her old age. Curious about the portraits of Diah Permatasari's mother? Check them out here KLovers.

1. Portrait of Mother Diah Pertamasari

Rarely seen, Diah Permatasari's mother often appears in the artist's posts on social media. One of them was when this beautiful artist born in 1971 shared a moment of returning to her mother's house in Solo. For your information, Diah Permatasari is indeed from Surakarta, Central Java. She and her mother are known to live in different cities. Insiyah Ratna Widaningrum, Diah Permatasari's mother, lives in Solo while her daughter resides in Jakarta.

2. Already 76 Years Old

Insiyah Ratna Widaningrum is known to have reached the age of 76. On her mother's birthday, Diah Permatasari also gave a sweet surprise. Meanwhile, even though she is no longer young, Diah Permatasari's mother still looks active. Her appearance is as youthful as the artist's.

"Alhamdulillah My Mom is 76 years old and still agile & healthy," wrote Diah Permatasari in the caption @dps_diahpermatasari.

3. Driving Hobby

For Diah Permatasari's mother, age is just a number. Insiyah Ratna Widaningrum is still skilled at driving a car. It's not without reason, Insiyah Ratna Widaningrum apparently has had a hobby of driving since long ago. Like in this portrait, when the artist's mother sits in the driver's seat and enjoys the moment of driving with her beloved daughter. In addition, Diah Permatasari's mother also knows the routes and terrains. Diah Permatasari refers to her mother as a figure like a superhero.

"Her hobby is driving a car, memorizing the routes, and driving while chatting," she continued.

4. Not Willing to Be Replaced in Driving a Car

Although her children often offer to take over the driving, Diah Permatasari's mother prefers to drive herself. Diah Permatasari revealed that her mother is an independent person. In fact, from her mother, Diah Permatasari learned about independence.

"She has a hobby of speeding and doesn't want to be replaced," said Diah Permatasari.

5. Stay Fit and Agile

Diah Permatasari admits that her mother still looks fit and agile. Including when driving her own car when the artist drives with her 76-year-old mother. On this occasion, Diah Permatasari shows how agile her mother is when driving a car. The 53-year-old beautiful artist is grateful to see her mother happy when doing her old hobby of driving.

"I am very grateful to have a very independent mother, just like my mom taught her children," wrote Diah Permatasari as in the caption @dps_diahpermatasari.

6. Quality Time with Children

Living in different cities, Diah Permatasari often makes time to meet her mother who lives in Solo. When flying to Solo, this beautiful actress who plays Mariam spends time with her mother while relieving her longing. Including in this portrait, driving a car often becomes an opportunity for her to take her children around and enjoy time together.

7. Chatting in the Car

Not only driving, Diah Permatasari's mother often spends time in the car chatting with her beloved daughter. Diah Permatasari, sitting in the passenger seat, occasionally responds to her mother's conversation. Meanwhile, Insiyah Ratna Widaningrum focuses on driving while chatting with her beloved child.

That's a portrait of Diah Permatasari's mother who enjoys driving at the age of 76. Despite her age not being young anymore, it doesn't stop Diah Permatasari's mother from staying fit and active.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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