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8 Latest Photos of Lulu Tobing After Deciding to Divorce Bani Mulia, Happier - Fresh with a New Hairstyle

8 Latest Photos of Lulu Tobing After Deciding to Divorce Bani Mulia, Happier - Fresh with a New Hairstyle


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8 Latest Photos of Lulu Tobing After Deciding to Divorce Bani Mulia, Happier - Fresh with a New Hairstyle

Lulu Tobing filed for divorce from her husband, Bani Maulana Mulia, on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. This news certainly shocked netizens and Lulu's fans, as their marriage lasted only two years.

After the news of the divorce, Lulu rarely uploaded her latest photos on the social media platform Instagram. How is she doing now?


After filing for divorce from her husband, Bani Maulana Mulia, on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, Lulu Tobing appears fresher with a new look.


Yes, no doubt about it, Lulu Tobing looks very charming with her new shorter haircut.


"A woman who changes her hair is about to change her life." This caption by Lulu Tobing seems to indicate that she is ready to face a new day.

8 Latest Photos of Lulu Tobing After Deciding to Divorce Bani Mulia, Happier - Fresh with a New Hairstyle

Not only does Lulu Tobing look younger with her short haircut, but she also appears to be radiantly happy.


Enjoying her time alone without Bani Mulia, Lulu Tobing looks very happy while spending time with her friends.


Recently, she also met her sister, Emma Tobing, and celebrated their birthday together.


At the age of 43, Lulu Tobing's beauty has never faded.


Her face remains beautiful and youthful, not much has changed since the beginning of her career. What do KLovers think?


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