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8 Latest Portraits of Ardina Rasti's Second Pregnancy, Still Beautiful Despite Chubby Cheeks - Funny Moment of the Child Sleeping and Kissing the Mother's Belly

8 Latest Portraits of Ardina Rasti's Second Pregnancy, Still Beautiful Despite Chubby Cheeks - Funny Moment of the Child Sleeping and Kissing the Mother's Belly

Celebrity Children

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8 Latest Portraits of Ardina Rasti's Second Pregnancy, Still Beautiful Despite Chubby Cheeks - Funny Moment of the Child Sleeping and Kissing the Mother's Belly

In her second pregnancy, Ardina Rasti didn't forget to capture the moment by showing off her baby bump. In the latest portrait, Ardina Rasti still looks beautiful despite her cheeks becoming chubby with her quite big pregnancy. Moreover, her child, Anara Langit, also looks cute when taking a photo together with her mother. Curious about how the portrait looks like? Let's take a peek.

8 Latest Portraits of Ardina Rasti's Second Pregnancy, Still Beautiful Despite Chubby Cheeks - Funny Moment of the Child Sleeping and Kissing the Mother's Belly

Unlike before, Ardina Rasti uploaded a photo of herself on her Instagram social media in her latest post.


Now she is pregnant for the second time, Ardina Rasti's cheeks look chubby because she eats a lot. Nevertheless, she still looks beautiful and charming.


In this second pregnancy, Ardina Rasti also captured a moment of taking a photo together with her husband, Arie Dwi Andhika, showing off her baby bump.


In the photoshoot, both of them had serious expressions. The husband and wife couple, Ardina and Arie, showed a flat expression.


In this second pregnancy of Ardina Rasti, her eldest son, Anara Langit, also took a photo with his future sibling who is still in the womb.

8 Latest Portraits of Ardina Rasti's Second Pregnancy, Still Beautiful Despite Chubby Cheeks - Funny Moment of the Child Sleeping and Kissing the Mother's Belly

A funny moment was shown when Anara was photographed sleeping on his mother's belly while displaying an adorable expression. Ardina Rasti smiled happily.


In addition, during the photoshoot, Anara also kissed the baby in her mother's womb. They also wore the same white clothes together.


Click to see the photos here.