A series of artists recently attended various Diwali events, one of them being Yuni Shara. She looked stunning in a fresh orange sari. Yuni herself remains confident even though her stomach area is clearly exposed. Here are the details.
Celebrity Activities
A series of artists recently attended various Diwali events, one of them being Yuni Shara. She looked stunning in a fresh orange sari. Yuni herself remains confident even though her stomach area is clearly exposed. Here are the details.
Yuni Shara is known as an artist who always looks young. Yes, Yuni's beauty makes the public forget that Kris Dayanti's older sister is already 51 years old.
Yuni proves that age does not stop her charm. Indeed, her appearance at the recent Diwali event garnered attention.
Yuni looks beautiful wearing an orange and yellow saree that blends fresh. She shows off her flat stomach and small waist.
What's interesting is that Yuni once met Paramitha Rusady. Both of them still look beautiful even though they are both already 50 years old.
In addition to Yuni and Paramitha, there is also Ririn Ekawati. She came with her husband, Ibnu Jamil. Ririn looks charming even though she chose a more covered outfit.
Yuni herself greeted other artists. Her appearance that night was commented on by netizens. Many praised her and were curious about Yuni Shara's secret to staying young.
As known, Yuni has been continuously active in the entertainment world despite not frequently appearing on television. She still continues to pursue off-air jobs.
Yuni also continues to collaborate with 5 women in her artistic endeavors. Yes, the vocal group consists of Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, Rieka Roslan, Yuni Shara, and Andien.
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