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9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People

9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People


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9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People

Since moving to Bali a few months ago, Jessica Iskandar has often received mockery and criticisms from netizens. This is related to Jedar's posts which are said to be even sexier than when she was still in Jakarta.

And recently, Jessica Iskandar also received criticisms from netizens again and considered disrespectful to people who are fasting because she uploaded her quite revealing photos.

Not just one, here are a series of Jessica Iskandar's posts that receive criticisms for being considered too revealing and sexy. Check it out here!


9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People

The latest photo of Jessica Iskandar that she uploaded on her Instagram has received a lot of criticism from netizens. Netizens think that this Jedar's photo shows too much of her chest and she is called shameless.


In addition to being considered too sexy, netizens also think that Jessica Iskandar does not respect people who are fasting.

9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People

Some netizens also remind Jessica Iskandar to dress more modestly.

9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People

Some also say that Jedar's sexy appearance is only for money.


Some hateful comments towards Jessica Iskandar also come from women.


Especially in this Ramadan month, many are asking Jessica Iskandar not to upload her sexy photos as it may disturb people who are fasting.

9 Sexy Photos of Jessica Iskandar that Receive Many Criticisms, Called Shameless - Disrespecting Fasting People

There are quite a few netizens who say that Jesica Iskandar is obsessed with Western culture.


There are also netizens who mention the late Olga Syahputra in Jedar's sexy posts.


However, among the many insults, there are still many who defend and praise the mother of El Barack.


Well, KLovers, you can also see other celebrity photos by directly clicking the link provided here (link).

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Portrait of Sonya Fatmala After Hengky Kurniawan Becomes Acting Regent of Bandung, Getting Busier - Still Hitting

Since Hengky Kurniawan was appointed as Acting Regent of Bandung, Sonya Fatmala's busyness has also increased. In addition to accompanying Hengky to various events, Sonya also has to do many activities as the Acting Chairperson of PKK Kabupaten Bandung.

Portrait of Sonya Fatmala After Hengky Kurniawan Becomes Acting Regent of Bandung, Getting Busier - Still Hitting