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Accused of Corruption Case, Rano Karno Accused of Absence from Court Summons

Accused of Corruption Case, Rano Karno Accused of Absence from Court Summons Kapanlagi/Bayu Herdianto - Actor and politician Rano Karno is involved in a corruption case. He was accused of being absent from the summons, and he went to the Central Jakarta District Court to explain the reasons for his absence.

"Well, now I want to explain that yesterday I did not absent myself. I had permission on two occasions because at that time I was on a film promotion roadshow, so I made a letter to postpone it to mid-February. That's the first thing, because yesterday the news said I was absent, this is a clarification," he said when met at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday (24/2).


1. Deny Receipt of Funds

"The second one about the 7.5 billion, I have already explained that it was for the campaign, at that time a budget was needed. Of course, if the province is quite large, it means that's what I can convey, as for other matters related to legal issues, please talk to my legal team because they are the ones who know the details," he added.

He also denied receiving funds amounting to 1.5 billion rupiah and also 700 million rupiah. He has already stated this in court.

2. Allegedly Received Money

"Yes, I have already said in court, it doesn't exist," he added.

Rano Karno is said to have received 700 million rupiah related to the procurement of medical equipment for the reference hospital in Banten Province in the 2012 budget. In addition, he is also suspected of receiving 1.5 billion from the owner of PT Bali Pasific Pragama, Tubagus Chaeri Wardana alias Wawan.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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