Kapanlagi.com - Kalista Iskandar, a finalist of Puteri Indonesia 2020 from West Sumatra, is currently under scrutiny. This is because she stumbled when asked to mention Pancasila.
This moment happened in the top 6 round of Puteri Indonesia 2020. Like the other finalists, she was required to answer questions asked by the judges.
Coincidentally, she received a question from the Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), Bambang Soesatyo. Unexpectedly, Bambang asked Kalista to mention Pancasila in full.
1. Requested to Mention Pancasila

Instagram @kalistaiskandar
"Kalista, as we all understand, Indonesia is a great nation, which has 17,500 islands, 733 languages. We are fortunate to have Pancasila as our ideology and the foundation of our country. My question is, does Kalista remember the five principles contained in Pancasila?" asked Bambang Soesatyo.
She was momentarily silent because she did not expect that question, this 21-year-old beautiful woman expressed her gratitude to Bambang. Required to answer the question for 30 seconds, she mentioned the first to the third principle fluently.
2. Too Nervous and Made a Mistake
Unfortunately, Kalista suddenly stumbled when mentioning the fourth principle, "Number four, humanity... Society led by wisdom, prudence, in deliberation of... society, representation."
The audience who realized Kalista's mistake immediately cheered, making Kalista even more nervous. She mentioned the last principle with an incorrect answer, "Social humanity that is fair and civilized."
When in fact, the fourth principle should be, 'Democracy led by wisdom/prudence in deliberation and representation.' While the fifth principle in Pancasila is 'Social justice for all Indonesian people.'.
3. Pemprov Sumbar Does Not Acknowledge Kalista

Instagram @kalistaiskandar
After that mistake, another news suddenly came from the West Sumatra Provincial Government, which apparently does not recognize Kalista as a representative of West Sumatra. The West Sumatra Provincial Government even admitted that they were not aware of the process of appointing a representative for the region.
“The West Sumatra Provincial Government has never given a recommendation or permission to anyone or institution to represent West Sumatra in the Miss Indonesia Election (PPI) 2020,” said the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the West Sumatra Provincial Government, Jasman Rizal, as quoted by Kumparan.
4. Pemprov Not Involved
He said that the Provincial Government was not involved at all, reported, or informed about the recruitment process. According to him, the Miss Indonesia Election (PPI) 2020 was fully organized by a foundation through a recruitment process involving several campuses in Indonesia.
“In the Miss Indonesia Election (PPI) 2020 held last night, the West Sumatra Provincial Government was not involved in any way, either directly or indirectly, or sent its representatives to the event,” he added.
5. Won by East Java

Kapanlagi/Budy Santoso
In the grand final held on Friday (6/3/2020) night, the representative from East Java, Rr Ayu Maulida, successfully obtained the title contested by dozens of beautiful women from various regions.
Mrs. Putri Kus Wisnuwardani, MBA, as the Senior Advisor of the Puteri Indonesia Foundation, was also present and congratulated Ayu Maulida on being chosen as Puteri Indonesia 2020.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.