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Angel Lelga Reports Business Partners to the Police for Alleged Fraud

Angel Lelga Reports Business Partners to the Police for Alleged Fraud Angel Lelga reports two of her partners for alleged fraud © Alfi Rosyadi - Actress Angel Lelga underwent questioning regarding a fraud case at the South Jakarta Police Station on Thursday (2/6/2022). Previously, Angel Lelga reported two individuals with the initials K and C for alleged fraud on May 24. The two individuals reported by Angel Lelga are her business partners in the cryptocurrency investment field, Angel Token.

"Angel Lelga has reported to the South Jakarta Police Station regarding the alleged criminal act of fraud that is suspected to have been committed by her business partners related to the cryptocurrency project that uses Mba Angel's name as a brand ambassador," said Angel Lelga's lawyer, Deolipa Yumara at the South Jakarta Police Station, Thursday (2/6/2022).

"The crypto is Angel token, so for now, we are conveying that there is a police report regarding alleged fraud by business partners with the initials K and C, that's all for now, we are still continuing our questioning," added Deolipa Yumara.

1. Harmed

At the same time, Angel Lelga admitted that she had been harmed by the issue. Besides her contract not being paid, her investment in the token is also still unclear. In this case, Angel Lelga asks her business partner to take responsibility.

"If it's up to me, I came to the South Police Station to ask for accountability from all Angel Token developers because since I joined as a brand ambassador," said Angel Lelga.

2. Trying to Communicate

Angel Lelga revealed that she had also tried to communicate with her business partner. Because there was no answer, Angel chose to report it to the authorities.

"From the beginning until now, I have asked for all those reports not to be responded to and given to me, and I am worried that this will harm the public," said Angel Lelga.

"By me asking for all the clarity so that they can open it up to the public, if it is ignored, I also ask the police to explain it clearly," concluded Angel Lelga.

3. Making a Report

Then, Angel Lelga finally made a report against Angel Token developers with the initials C and K at the South Jakarta Metro Police Station regarding alleged fraud with Article 378 of the Criminal Code on May 24, 2022. The report was registered with case number LP/B/1199/V/2022/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKSEL/POLDA METRO JAYA.

"So for now, we are reporting that there is already a police report regarding the alleged fraud with the initials K and C, and that's all for now while we continue our investigation," said Angel Lelga's lawyer, Deolipa Yumara, in the same occasion.

4. Significant Losses

In this case, Rhoma Irama's ex-wife suffered significant losses. In fact, if calculated, she experienced losses of up to billions of rupiah.

"Billions. That's what's visible, what's not visible is unknown, depending on market fluctuations," said Angel Lelga.

"It will be in the police report. What's certain is that this concerns the public, and I don't want to encourage the public who have joined as investors," concluded Angel Lelga.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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