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Andika Mahesa Admits that the Process of Working on the Song 'Terhukum Rindu' was Quite Heavy for Him Because His Face had to be Changed to Resemble a Tiger

Andika Mahesa Admits that the Process of Working on the Song 'Terhukum Rindu' was Quite Heavy for Him Because His Face had to be Changed to Resemble a Tiger Credit: © Herdianto - Musician and singer Andika Mahesa, former vocalist of Kangen Band, is grateful to be trusted to sing a song inspired by a letter sent by Putra Siregar to his wife, titled 'Terhukum Rindu' (Sentenced by Longing). The song was produced by Anji.

With humility, Andika feels very grateful to be chosen to sing this song because he does not consider himself a top singer in Indonesia. Therefore, being involved in 'Terhukum Rindu' was a different challenge for Andika.

"I am proud to be chosen, because there are many good singers out there. Apparently, in my lessons, I always lack a lot. But there is a gift from God," said Andika Mahesa in a press conference for the release of the music video 'Terhukum Rindu' by Putra Siregar, at XXI Epicentrum Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Wednesday night (1/6).


1. Becoming a Video Clip Model

Not only did the 37-year-old man sing, but he also became a model in the music video for 'Terhukum Rindu', created by Putra Siregar, which was considered to require extra effort to perform. In the video clip, Andika used a prosthetic face that resembled a tiger's, which was quite challenging for him.

"I was involved in a music video that I think took a lot of time and was an extraordinary challenge for me," he continued.



2. Related to Life

Nevertheless, Andika Kangen Band feels that the song Terhukum Rindu is very related to everyone's life, including his own.

"It was a struggle, I couldn't eat or pee because my nails were long. I spent almost 3 hours on makeup. After that, my face was printed and I couldn't eat for almost 2 days, from 5am to 5am the next day, using a face mold," he said.

"I believe this song can represent everyone. Not just Mr. Putra, I have also just met my child. Don't punish anyone for missing someone, just let the longing go. Because only Allah is eternal," he added.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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