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Angela Gilsha, Star of the Soap Opera 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Appears with a Wig, Said to Resemble Pinkan Mambo

Angela Gilsha, Star of the Soap Opera 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Appears with a Wig, Said to Resemble Pinkan Mambo Angela Gilsha © - The soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA is increasingly loved by viewers. Not only because of the increasingly complicated story of Sam and Cinta, but also because of the excellent acting of the cast. One of the highlights is the beautiful Angela Gilsha.

Portraying Vina, Angela acts as an antagonist. This makes the audience frustrated. Not only on the screen, recently Angela also made people frustrated with her latest appearance on Instagram.

1. Wear a Wig

Yes, the photo was uploaded by Angela on Wednesday (21/4) yesterday. She appeared posing with Cut Syifa. Interestingly, Angela looks so contrasting with Cut Syifa. If Cut Syifa looks beautiful wearing a hijab, Angela looks eccentric with a gray wig.

She combines the wig with an all-black outfit. Not forgetting a pair of black sunglasses as an accessory. Through her caption, she shows how even though she and Cut Syifa are completely different, they both have open-minded thinking.

2. Mistaken for Pinkan Mambo

"Our styles are really contrasting, @cutsyifaa. One is vibrant, the other wears a hijab. But we both are open-minded and can accept each other. And strangely, we can become good friends with this contrast," she wrote.

The post was instantly flooded with comments from netizens. Some even mistook Angela for Pinkan Mambo. "I thought it was Pinkan Mambo," wrote one netizen. Well, what do you think, KLovers?

3. Supporting Each Other

The upload apparently dedicated by Angela for Kartini Day. She voiced the message 'Women supporting women'.

"Happy Kartini Day to the women of Indonesia. Hopefully, we can continue to strengthen and support each other as women," said the actress from the Island of the Gods.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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