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Romantic Single 'I'm Sure Happy' Rey Mbayang and Dinda Hauw Take Part in the Compilation Album Musikini Super Hits 2

Romantic Single 'I'm Sure Happy' Rey Mbayang and Dinda Hauw Take Part in the Compilation Album Musikini Super Hits 2 Dinda Hauw and Rey Mbayang © Kafril - The Indonesian Music and Sports Expert (JMSI) never stops supporting the work of local music even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This time, the music producer in the country presents a compilation album titled Musikini Super Hits 2.

In this album, there are many famous singers and musicians who take part in it. One of them is the romantic couple Dinda Hauw and Rey Mbayang who are very happy when their single is chosen to enliven the Musikini Super Hits 2 album.

1. Bring it Honestly

"I'm happy because we tried to bring this song honestly and just sing, but it turns out that many appreciate it. Maybe because this is our first duet song and we enjoyed performing it. People enjoy listening to it, so it can be combined into a compilation," said Dinda Hauw when met at KFC Kemang, South Jakarta, Wednesday (21/4).

Dinda admitted that she was increasingly nervous because she never expected that her single with her husband would be included in this compilation. Although Dinda Hauw previously had no basic knowledge in the world of singing, with the help of Ray Mbayang, she was able to do it.

2. Always Nervous

"Of course, I'm always nervous, every time I want to sing, especially when I'm included in this compilation. I honestly feel speechless and think that singing this is something I never imagined before because I think I have a very ordinary voice. But because of Rey, my husband, I also say bismillah," said Dinda.

This CD album Musikini Super Hits 2 can be obtained at all KFC outlets in the country. Just a reminder, when it was first launched in 2019 with the same album title, this compilation album was successful and well-received in the market.

3. Fantastic Numbers

"At that time, Musikini Super Hits CD album (the first one) sold almost 500 thousand copies, which is fantastic," said Steve Lillywhite, CEO of JMSI who is also known as a world-class producer.

In addition to Dinda Hauw and Rey Mbayang, this Musikini Super Hits 2 album is also enlivened by Budi Doremi, Virgoun, Anneth, Tiara Andini, Lyodra, Nino ft Marion Jola, and several other viral singers with their hit singles. The hope is that this Musikini Super Hits album can blow up new singers and their songs can be liked by the wider community.

The pandemic is indeed not over yet, but continuing to work like them is definitely a must. Besides that, make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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