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Announce Pregnancy, Here are 7 Portraits of Shanju Eks JKT48 and Jonatan Christie's Household who have been married for only 3 months

Announce Pregnancy, Here are 7 Portraits of Shanju Eks JKT48 and Jonatan Christie's Household who have been married for only 3 months Portraits of Shanju and Jonatan Christie's Household (Credit: Instagram/shanju) - Celebrity marriage life is one of the topics that often attracts public attention. Including the story of Shanju and Jonatan Christie's household.

The former idol couple of JKT48 and badminton athlete just shared the happy news. Through an Instagram post, they announced their first pregnancy. They got married on December 1, 2023, and have been officially husband and wife for three months.

So, what are the portraits of Shanju and Jonatan Christie's household who just announced their first pregnancy? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Shanju and Jonatan Christie's Household

Shanju and Jonatan Christie are a married couple who both have a big name. It's no wonder their household often piques curiosity. Shanju is an actress and model who has been appearing on television since a young age. She is also a member of the third generation of JKT48.

Meanwhile, her husband, Jonatan Christie, is an Indonesian badminton athlete who has a string of achievements. He has won many medals in various tournaments.

2. Married on December 1, 2023

Shanju and Jonatan Christie got married on December 1, 2023. Previously, they had been dating since 2017 and got engaged in 2021. As of now, they have been husband and wife for three months.

3. Diligently Ngonten Together

Throughout their married life, Shanju and Jonatan Christie have been actively uploading content of their togetherness on Instagram. They also diligently ngonten together for video endorsements of various products.

4. Announce Pregnancy

Recently, happy news came from the couple Shanju and Jonatan Christie. They have just announced their pregnancy through Instagram. Shanju also showed the ultrasound process and displayed a positive test pack result.

"Our greatest adventure yet begins with a little heartbeat," wrote Shanju as the caption.

5. So Happy

This is a portrait of Jonatan Christie and Shanju showing off a positive pregnancy test. The happiness of this couple is clearly visible. Both Jonatan Christie and Shanju have joyful expressions with wide smiles.

6. Flood of Congratulations

After uploading a pregnancy announcement video, Shanju and Jonatan Christie immediately received a flood of congratulations. Many netizens were happy to welcome the presence of the fetus in Shanju's womb. Furthermore, Shanju also shared her first experience as a pregnant woman.

7. Sharing the Weight of Being Pregnant

On her Instagram Story, Shanju wrote a quite lengthy caption. She shared her journey of finding out about the pregnancy and the challenges of being pregnant. The 25-year-old celebrity admitted to experiencing frequent nausea, acne, migraines, and vertigo.

Well, KLovers, those are the portraits of the Shanju and Jonatan Christie household who have just announced their first pregnancy.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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