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Eza Gionino Admits to Being in the Process of Conversion, Chooses to Leave Filming when the Adhan is Heard

Eza Gionino Admits to Being in the Process of Conversion, Chooses to Leave Filming when the Adhan is Heard © Akrom Sukarya - As time goes by, many artists decide to convert in order to become better individuals. The latest is artist Eza Gionino, who admits that he is currently in the process of conversion.

The 33-year-old man admits that he has been getting closer to God for the past three years. Eza has started to improve his prayers, which were previously not performed five times a day. The father of three realized that he has always been trying to chase blessings from Allah, but it was not accompanied by appropriate worship.

"This is what I have experienced, I kept trying but never prayed," said Eza Gionino when met in the Senayan area of South Jakarta, not long ago.

"But I don't know why, in the past three years, honestly in the past three years, I started a phase where I started to be diligent in praying," Eza continued.

1. Devoutly Perform the 5 Daily Prayers

After getting closer to God, Eza admitted that she becomes more devout when performing the 5 daily prayers. In fact, when she is filming, Eza now prioritizes prayer.

"And now, when the call to prayer comes, I stop, I don't want to take, I want to pray," said Eza.

2. A Ramadan Blessing

According to Eza, a prayer that accompanies efforts in seeking sustenance is very effective. Even her involvement in a Ramadan TV movie as a character who spreads good things is considered as a blessing in this year's Ramadan.

"Because it turns out that prayer is very effective, and the second thing is her personal effort," concluded Eza.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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