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Ari Wibowo Shares Sad Story of the Late Dr. Hadio, Confusion About Seeing Family from the Fence

Ari Wibowo Shares Sad Story of the Late Dr. Hadio, Confusion About Seeing Family from the Fence Ari Wibowo and the late Dr. Hadio / Credit: Special - The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is becoming increasingly worrying. Its spread is so fast from one patient to another. Even dozens of people have lost their lives because of this virus originating from Wuhan, China.

Among the victims, 6 of them are doctors who handle Covid-19 patients. And one of the deceased doctors is said to have a very touching story, namely Dr. Hadio Ali.

The sad story of the late Dr. Hadio was shared by Ari Wibowo through a post on his Instagram account. The star of the soap opera Tersanjung intentionally shared Dr. Hadio's story because he himself was deeply moved.

"THE LAST MOMENT OF DOCTOR HADIO. I shivered when I received a photo of Dr. Hadio's last meeting with his two young children and his pregnant wife," Ari opened in the caption of his post.


1. Exposed to the Corona Virus

Doctor Hadio is known to work at RS Priemier Bintaro as a neurologist. Considering that there are many patients exposed to the corona virus at the hospital, Doctor Hadio eventually contracted the virus and had to undergo quarantine.

"Two weeks ago, many patients exposed to the Corona Virus entered the hospital. Doctor Hadio stepped in to help save the Covid 19 patients. Unfortunately, a few days after handling the patients, Doctor Hadio tested positive for Covid 19. He was quarantined. He was isolated at RS Persahabatan," Ari continued.

2. Unbearable Longing

During the isolation period, Doctor Hadio couldn't bear the longing for his pregnant wife and their children. Finally, he asked for permission to go home, with the condition of maintaining distance from his family so that they wouldn't get exposed to the corona virus he carried.

"Arriving in front of the brown wooden gate of his house, Doctor Hadio called his wife. He informed her that he had arrived in front of the house. He asked his children to come out of the house. But he asked them to stay on the front porch. They were not allowed to go out. Both of his children screamed with joy. It had been a long time since they were separated from their father. The two little children obeyed their father's command. They stood in front of the porch. His wife did the same," Ari wrote further.

3. Meeting, But Keeping Distance

Although longing for warm embraces from his wife and children, Doctor Hardio had to restrain himself. Therefore, just looking at them from afar was enough to relieve the longing that had been brewing inside him.

"In front of the gate, Doctor Hadio stood with his hands behind his back. His mouth was covered with a mask. From a distance of 5 meters, the father, mother, and two children looked at each other. Without sound. Only their eyes spoke. The two children could only watch from afar. They didn't understand what was happening. They didn't understand why their father didn't run to greet them and carry them," Ari continued.

4. Doctor Hadio's Last Meeting with His Family

In the story shared by Ari, it was mentioned that the wife captured a photo of the deceased from a distance. That was their last meeting before the doctor took his last breath.

"Doctor Hadio's wife had a premonition. She quickly captured this unforgettable moment. She took out her phone. Took a photo instantly. And this became their last moment together. 'Goodbye my love, take care of our children my love. I love you,' Doctor Hadio whispered while waving his hand. Doctor Hadio got into a dark blue car. Inside the car, his emotions were in turmoil. Deeply moved. My eyes welled up with tears when I saw this photo. Really sad. Doctor Hadio, farewell," Ari concluded.

5. Controversy Surrounding Doctor Hadio's Photo

The story of Doctor Hadio is indeed very touching and has successfully moved netizens. However, it should be noted that there is also a debate regarding the photo of Doctor Hadio standing in front of his house's fence.

After some investigation, it turns out that the photo is not of the late Doctor Hadio, but of another doctor from Malaysia. This fact was revealed in one of the articles on The story is similar, where the Malaysian doctor is said to have been exposed to the coronavirus and can only see his family from a distance.

Well, despite the misunderstanding that occurred, there is one important point that we should take from this story. While doctors are at the forefront of combating the coronavirus, it is advisable for us to help them by staying at home unless there is an urgent need to go outside.

Hopefully, this Coronavirus storm will end soon. We can get through this together!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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