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Ashanty 'Threatened' Aurel Hermansyah about Atta Halilintar, Why?

Ashanty 'Threatened' Aurel Hermansyah about Atta Halilintar, Why? Ashanty, Aurel, Atta (credit: Special) - The relationship between Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar has been making netizens excited. Instead of openly admitting that they are dating, they are rumored to be ready for early marriage. Apparently, their relationship also confuses Aurel's father, Anang Hermansyah.

When Anang and Ashanty were interviewed by Tya Ariestya and her husband, they were asked about Aurel and Atta's relationship, which was said to be dating. This is where it became apparent that Aurel has always confided in Ashanty.

"Who said they're dating?" replied Ashanty.

Anang then responded, "Only the mother can answer that. It's not true, even the child can't answer. That's the most accurate question."

1. Memang Dekat

Hearing what her husband said, Ashanty laughed. But she then explained that Aurel is indeed close to Atta Halilintar.

"Close. Close," said Ashanty.

"If you say that, many people will ask, 'Are they really dating?'", replied Anang.

2. Aurel's Threat

Tya then tried to ask what really happened between Aurel and Atta. Finally, Ashanty gave a little explanation about Aurel not wanting her to talk about Atta.

"She doesn't want to date anymore. She wants to get married young. If it's about that, you should ask her directly. Because she always says, 'Mom, don't answer anything if people ask.' She even threatened me. But they are close, it's true," Ashanty explained.

3. Watch the Full Video

So what do KLovers think? Do you also support Aurel and Atta?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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